For more information, please refer to the Emergency Response Plan at
Sheltering-in-place is done to protect students, faculty, and staff from an external threat such as a hazardous material incident/spill or a hostage crisis. People on campus, but not in imminent danger, should follow the instructions below.
- Close and lock all doors.
- Close curtains/blinds.
- Stay away from doors/windows.
- Wait quietly for further instructions from local police/fire departments and/or campus Public Safety.
- Do not panic, remain calm.
Evacuation Plan and Procedures
In a number of situations, it may be necessary to evacuate a campus building. This decision is the responsibility of the Critical Incident Team Commander (vice president Administration and Finance).
An evacuation map is posted in each classroom and main office area. Make yourself aware of the evacuation route and predesignated assembly point.
If an evacuation is ordered, the following steps should be followed.
- Instructors must bring their class roster with them when evacuating their classroom/building.
- Instructors should ensure all students are out of the classroom and adjoining bathrooms.
- Instructors and supervisors are requested to shut off any gas jets in their classrooms prior to evacuation.
- Instructors should close doors and windows prior to following their students out of the building. (Doors should be left unlocked.)
- Instruct the first student evacuating to hold open exit doors until all persons in the class have evacuated.
- Evacuation from upper floors of buildings will be by the way of the stairwells. The elevators will NOT be used as a route of egress during evacuation procedures.
- Instructors and supervisors shall provide assistance and direction in the safe evacuation of any students or employees with disabilities in their area, utilizing other students or employees as needed. All multi-story buildings have an evacuation chair; the Century Center has two. If college staff cannot safely evacuate a student or employee with a disability, inform rescue personnel immediately as to that individual’s location.
- Students should take backpacks and personal property with them if possible.
- Classes proceed to the predesignated holding area/assembly point. Once there, instructors should make note of students who are not present and maintain order.
- The list of missing students should be given to Public Safety so a search can be conducted.
- Instructors should remain with their classes until an all clear signal is sounded or an administrator gives other instructions.
In the event of a fire, the primary concern is to save lives; the protection of property is secondary. Students, faculty, and staff should follow the directives below to ensure their safety.
- If a fire is known to exist, contact the local fire department and Public Safety.
- Evacuate buildings when instructed or when it is unsafe to remain.
- Attempt to extinguish a minor fire, if equipment is available, and activate fire alarm in affected building and adjacent buildings.
- Public Safety will post guide personnel on entrance road(s) to direct emergency vehicles and divert other traffic.
- A command post and control center will be established in the event of a major fire.
- Do not panic, remain calm.
Hazardous Materials
Employees and supervisors should be aware of the dangers involved in handling chemicals, solvents, etc., and should follow the guidelines below when dealing with these hazards.
- Use Personal Protection Equipment when handling.
- Follow industry safety practices and label instructions.
- Notify Public Safety in the event of a hazardous materials spill/leak.
- Do not mix chemicals without authorization.
- Use approved respirators or work in well-ventilated areas when dealing with toxic fumes.
Hostage Crisis
In the event that the campus is involved in a hostage crisis, the ability to act appropriately will be crucial in protecting the safety of students, faculty, and staff. Those on campus not directly involved in the crisis should follow the Shelter-in-Place procedures, previous section. As a hostage, you should follow these guidelines.
- Obey terrorist orders.
- Be courteous and polite.
- Do not debate, argue, or discuss political issues.
- Speak in a normal voice; do not whisper or raise your voice.
- Avoid abrupt movements and remain in view.
- Stay away from windows, doors and captors.
- Do not discuss possible retaliatory/rescue actions.
- Inform captors of medical conditions/special disabilities.
- Do not panic, remain calm.
Active Shooter
The run-hide-fight method should be used in the event of an active shooter, prior to directions from Public Safety and/or law enforcement personnel.
Run: Best path to survival; get out immediately. Encourage others to escape but don’t let them slow you down.
Hide: Find a place out of shooter view that provides protection to hide.
Fight: As a last resort and only if your life is in danger.
While waiting for first responders to arrive:
- Be aware of your environment.
- Victims are usually chosen randomly.
- An event is unpredictable and may change quickly.
- Always have a plan.
- Police are not there to assist you; they are there to confront the shooter.
When first responders are on the scene:
- Follow their instructions.
- Keep hands in plain sight.
- Avoid pointing or yelling.
Building Evacuation Safety
- If it is possible to flee a building safely and avoid danger, do so. Do not attempt to flee if the shooter is between you and the exit. If unsure, do not attempt to flee.
- Once outside, get far away from the shooting scene and contact the police department.
- If you encounter police officers as you leave the building, they may direct you to one collection point. Keep your hands visible (on your head or showing open in front of you.)
- Do not pull the fire alarm; it will provide the shooter with more opportunities to cause harm.
- Contact the police via 911.
If You Are Unable to Evacuate Safely
- Turn off the lights and close blinds, lock all windows and doors.
- Turn off radios and computer monitors.
- Silence all cell phones.
- If you can do so safely, get everyone on the floor and out of the line of fire.
- Keep everyone calm, quiet and out of sight.
- Take adequate cover/protection (i.e., concrete walls, thick desks, filing cabinets).
- Place signs on exterior windows to identify the location of injured persons.
- Stay in your secure location of the building until an “all clear” instruction is given by an authorized or known voice.
- If the staff or students do not recognize the voice that is giving instruction, they should not change their status. Unknown or unfamiliar voices may be false and designed to give false assurances.
If The Shooter Enters Your Classroom/Office
- There is no one procedure that can be recommended in this situation.
- Attempt to get the word out to other staff if possible, and call 911 if that seems practical. Use common sense. If hiding or flight is impossible, remain quiet. Attempting to negotiate with the individual may be very dangerous.
- Attempting to overcome the individual with force is a last resort that should only be initiated in the most extreme circumstances.
- Remember, there may be more than one active shooter.
- Be careful not to make any changes to the scene of the incident since law enforcement authorities will investigate the area later.
What to Report
- your specific location: building name, floor and office or room number
- number of people at your specific location
- injuries: number injured and types of injuries
- assailant(s):
- location
- race/gender
- physical features (height, weight, facial hair, glasses, etc.)
- shooter’s identity, if known
- number of suspects
- clothing description
- type of weapons (long gun or hand gun)
- backpack
- do you hear explosions separate from gunfire?
Police Response
- The police objective is to immediately isolate/engage assailant(s) to stop the shooting.
- Remain calm; do as the officers tell you.
- Put down bags/packages and keep your hands visible at all times.
- If you know where the shooter is, tell the officers.
- The first officers will not stop to aid injured persons.
- Rescue teams will follow the first officers into secured areas to treat and remove injured persons.
Threats of violence may be (1) actual or perceived, (2) verbal or nonverbal and (3) direct or indirect. It should be assumed that all threats have been made with intent to carry them out. Recognize and report early warning signs of violence, which may include:
- threats of violence
- overheard conversations regarding violence
- disruptive behavior
- domestic family issues occurring on campus
- vandalism occurring anywhere on campus.
Bomb Threats/Emergencies
A bomb threat exists when a suspected bomb or explosive device has been reported but not located. An emergency exists if the bomb has been located or if an explosion has occurred. Guidelines are shown below for each of these situations.
Bomb Threat
- Try to solicit information from caller making threat.
- Receiver of call should immediately notify Public Safety at Ocala Campus or chief campus administrator in Levy/Citrus.
- Use the bomb threat checklist if possible.
- Public Safety will notify local police/fire departments.
- The Critical Incident Team commander or a designated administrator will order evacuation if necessary.
- Do not touch any suspicious item; report it immediately to proper authorities.
Bomb Emergency
- Immediately call Public Safety and/or 911; do not panic.
- Follow all evacuation procedures described herein.
- All persons should withdraw a minimum of 300 feet from any explosive device.
Bloodborne Pathogens
Certain infectious diseases, such as HIV and Hepatitis B, are transmitted through contact with blood and other secretions from a person with the illness. When a person is injured, those who render aid should avoid direct contact with blood.
To protect yourself and others from potential transmission of bloodborne pathogens, employees should follow these guidelines:
- Sharps (needles and other pricking devices) must be placed in approved containers.
- Contaminated materials must be discarded in specially designed trash bags or containers.
- Broken glass should only be removed by people who have been trained in proper handling techniques (call Plant Operations for help). Never pick up broken glass by hand.
- Cover cuts and open sores with bandages to avoid transmission of pathogens to others or to prevent leaving potentially harmful substances on surfaces.
If you have unprotected contact with the blood of another person, report that contact to the Human Resources Office immediately.
Public Safety
The Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-542) and the Higher Educational Technical Amendment of 1991 (P.L. 102-26) require that all institutions of higher education collect and make certain information available to students/prospective students and employees/prospective employees upon request. Title II of this act is known as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act. This act requires all postsecondary institutions to prepare, publish, and distribute certain information regarding campus crimes and policies. For CF’s detailed report on campus safety and crime statistics, visit