Faculty Credentials
The College of Central Florida bases the measure for faculty credentials on the Criteria for Accreditation of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (See “The Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement,” 6.1 at https://sacscoc.org/app/uploads/2019/08/2018PrinciplesOfAcreditation.pdf). The college also must meet standards set by state regulatory bodies, state and national licensing agencies, and state and national accrediting bodies for specialty areas, as applicable. Local requirements may also apply. One may view the faculty job description at https://www.cf.edu/about-cf/cf-at-a-glance/departments-directory/human-resources/job-descriptions/ .
Faculty Contracts
Annual Contracts
Annual contracts are issued to faculty who are not on continuing contract status. The contract between the District Board of Trustees and the faculty shall expire at the end of the current contract period.
Continuing Contracts
The awarding of continuing contract status for faculty recognizes faculty for increasing effectiveness in promoting student learning during their initial employment with the college. The process of attaining continuing contract status also encourages competency in the areas of teaching, professional development, college service, service to students and public service. Refer to the “Portfolio Development Procedures to Support Continuing Contract” at https://inside.cf.edu/manuals/PortfolioDevProcSupContContract.pdf. See Appendix E - Faculty Continuing Contract .
Adjunct Agreements
Adjunct instructors are required to sign an agreement prior to receiving pay for classes taught. The agreement is normally sent to the adjunct after the semester begins. Adjunct faculty are asked to sign and return the agreement to the appropriate administrator as soon as possible to expedite having the contract entered into the payroll system. The signed contract is required before payment can be made.
Adjunct Instructors-Alternative to Social Security Deduction
The District Board of Trustees approved the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association - College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF) Social Security Alternative Plan for adjunct instructors in the year 2000. This means that a mandatory deduction is made from the adjunct instructor’s checks and remitted to TIAA-CREF in lieu of the normal Social Security deduction. The TIAA-CREF deduction is 7.5 percent and replaces the Social Security deduction. Medicare is still deducted from adjunct paychecks. This pre-tax deduction goes into a pre-tax 403B annuity program. All new adjuncts are required to complete the SSA 1945 form. The deduction code is RT on the pay stub.
Faculty Responsibilities
In accordance with Florida Statutes and College Policy 4.04:
State statute requires that each full-time faculty member shall teach a minimum of 15 classroom contact hours per week. A classroom contact hour consists of regularly scheduled classroom activity of not less than 50 minutes in a course of instruction that has been approved by the District Board of Trustees.
To determine a normal workload, the sum of semester credit hours and contact hours shall be between 28 and 32. The contact hours shall be at least 15. However, the appropriate vice president may, in special situations, certify an instructor as full time and possessing a normal workload when the sum of semester hours plus the sum of the contact hours is less than 28 and the contact hours are at least 15.
Normal workload for full-time faculty teaching vocational clock hour classes is 30 contact hours per semester. When class periods overlap, only one contact hour will be counted. Workload for adjuncts shall not exceed nine credit hours. Directed individualized study class will not be counted as part of the regular faculty workload.
Office Hours for Full-time Faculty
In order to be available to students, full-time faculty shall keep a minimum of 10 office hours per week. (NOTE: Office hours should be included on the course syllabus and clearly posted on the instructor’s office door.)
Faculty teaching online courses need to include “virtual office hours” on their respective door schedules consistent with the guidelines for face-to-face courses. Faculty are required to keep virtual office hours for online courses. Generally speaking, a three-credit online course requires no more than two virtual office hours per week. The door schedule must indicate all office hours, including any virtual office hours.
Office Hours for Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct Faculty shall keep a minimum of one office hour per week for each course instructed. Adjunct faculty teaching online courses need to include “virtual office hours” on their respective door schedules consistent with the guidelines for face-to-face courses. Faculty are required to keep virtual office hours for online courses. Generally speaking, a three-credit online course requires no more than one virtual office hour per week held by the adjunct faculty member.
Other Professional Responsibilities
Other professional responsibilities of teaching faculty will be routinely reported as part of the annual performance review process. The amount of time devoted to categories other than classroom teaching (professional development, college service, service to students, public service) will vary depending on the needs of the college and the strengths and interest of the faculty member, but it is generally expected that full-time teaching faculty will be involved in college-related activities for 10 hours per week. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, curricular and course development, committee meetings, course preparation, grading assignments, department meetings, mentoring students and advising clubs and organizations, among others.
Workdays for teaching faculty are published annually in the academic calendar, which is approved by the District Board of Trustees.
During a seven-day week, 168-day full-time and 220-day full-time faculty members are required to work a minimum of 35 hours, which includes 15 classroom contact hours, 10 posted office hours during which the faculty member is available to students, and 10 hours for other professional activities. For each additional three-hour course added to the regular teaching schedule, one additional office hour per week is required.
Faculty members who work 220-days are required to work an additional 21 hours: 9 classroom contact hours, 6 posted office hours, and 6 hours for other professional activities.
Posting Schedules
Schedules showing classes and office hours must be posted by teaching faculty each semester. The schedules must be maintained and will be subject to state audit.
The door schedule form with instructions is found on the intranet under Forms/Faculty/Student Specific/Faculty Door Schedule (see https://inside.cf.edu/forms/facultydoorschedule.doc). By the end of the first week of each semester, current schedules showing classes and office hours must be posted on the faculty member’s office door and a copy of that schedule given to the division office. Unless an exception to the posted schedule is authorized by the instructional supervisor, all class, office and work hours must be adhered to as officially scheduled.
Should there be necessity to temporarily deviate from the posted door schedule, these steps must be followed:
- Give notice to the department/division office or the instructional supervisor.
- Post a note on the instructor’s office door explaining any absence during office hours. Faculty members whose circumstances require they miss class or are not available during posted office hours are required to make proper arrangements with the department/division office or appropriate instructional supervisor prior to the absence.
Faculty Overload Supplements
Teaching faculty receive a supplement for teaching an overload assignment in the fall and/or spring semester, if the minimum of 15 classroom contact hours or the equivalent each semester is met and if student enrollment supports such action. Faculty are required to sign an agreement prior to receiving pay for classes taught. The agreement is normally sent to faculty after the semester begins. Faculty are asked to sign and return the agreement to the appropriate administrator as soon as possible to expedite having the contract entered into the payroll system. The signed contract is required before payment can be made.
Full-time faculty may be asked, but not required, to teach credit classes beyond the maximum credit hour assignment as defined in the faculty contract, currently 15 credits per semester. Assignment of overload will be at the discretion of the supervising academic administrator, based on the needs of the college, without encroaching upon either the quality or quantity of faculty performance of primary responsibilities. No full-time faculty member will teach more than 21 credits, or the equivalent, in any one semester. Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized only by the vice president for Academic Affairs, and then only on condition of full justification and evidence that the faculty member’s performance will in no way be jeopardized.
Faculty Meetings
Each division holds regularly scheduled meetings throughout the academic year and will provide a schedule of these meetings at the beginning of each semester. Attendance at these meetings is very important and is considered a faculty member’s responsibility. Adjunct faculty are welcome to attend all regularly scheduled faculty meetings as well.
Faculty Mentors
Each new faculty member is assigned a mentor to assist in any and all aspects relating to the college. The instructional supervisor assigns the faculty mentor, usually a fellow departmental faculty member. Faculty members may also be asked to serve as mentors to students to increase students’ probability of success.
Performance Reviews
Faculty performance reviews are completed by the instructional supervisor or appropriate administrator. Faculty on continuing contract are reviewed biannually. All other faculty are reviewed annually. The evaluation instrument highlights areas of strength and weakness. There is also an area that provides the instructor a strategy for improvement. Additionally, as part of the review process, the instructor prepares and evaluates his/her own Professional Development Plan as it relates to the role and responsibilities of the faculty. The instructional supervisor or appropriate administrator will review the PDP with the instructor who will be asked to sign the plan. The instructor’s signature acknowledges discussion of the plan. Upon request, a copy of the review form will be provided to the instructor. The PDP will be utilized, along with the Faculty Review form, to assure faculty progress. The PDP, when completed and approved by the vice president for Academic Affairs, will be filed in the Human Resources Office.
Professional Development Plan
Each full-time instructor is expected to complete the Professional Development Plan prior to the review conference with the instructional supervisor. The instructor is asked to develop the plan using the five areas of responsibility identified in the Role and Responsibilities of Faculty. The PDP is completed annually by annual contract faculty and biannually by continuing contract faculty. The process requires two documents: one for the goals of the upcoming year and the second reflecting outcomes from the prior year. Outcomes are NOT completed at the time the plan is developed. Additionally, the instructor is asked to critique the student evaluations and comment on progress toward meeting the stated goals of the previous year. The PDP will be filed in the Human Resources Office (https://pr.cf.edu/files/OIA-6%20ProfDevelopPlan.pdf).
Course and Student Evaluation
It is the policy of the College of Central Florida that all full-time and part-time instructors be evaluated by the students enrolled in their classes. Student review of annual and continuing contract faculty is completed online through the student portal. The evaluation instrument, identified and approved by the Faculty Senate, is used collegewide for the formal student and course evaluation process. The results of these evaluations are used as part of the instructor performance review. These evaluations provide instructors with student comments that may aid in the process of course and self-review. They also serve to help faculty and administrators improve the instructional process based on students’ perceptions of effective instructional methods and subject matter. Faculty must give students the opportunity to evaluate their courses each semester utilizing the evaluation instrument by instructing students how to find the instrument online and providing them with the dates that the evaluation instrument is available to them. Once the evaluation period is closed, the results for each faculty member are available to the faculty member via his or her individual web portal. See Appendix C - Student Evaluations .
Promotion in Rank
The system of professional rank for full-time continuing contract faculty recognizes and rewards faculty, as they progress through their careers, for increasing effectiveness in promoting student learning. The professional rank system also encourages increasing effectiveness in the areas of teaching, professional development, college service, service to students and public service. The college recognizes the following professorial ranks: instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor and senior professor. For further information, please refer to “Procedures for the Development and Submission of a Portfolio to Support Promotion in Rank” (https://inside.cf.edu/manuals/PortfolioDevProcSupPromotionRank.pdf). See Appendix F - Faculty Promotion Cycle .
Professor Emeritus
The professor emeritus rank, which became effective during the 2005-2006 year and is not retroactive, is awarded during the last semester of employment prior to retirement from the college and becomes effective upon retirement. This rank is honorary and is not included as part of the faculty salary schedule and does not follow salaried faculty promotion in rank procedures. It carries no additional financial compensation, but is intended to be an honorary rank that recognizes professional and professorial excellence achieved by the recipient during his or her tenure at CF. Faculty may not apply for this rank. Candidates for the rank of professor emeritus must be nominated by members of their department in accordance with established procedures.
Policy Manual, Rule 6.08
Progressive Discipline
It is in CF’s best interest to ensure fair treatment of all employees and make certain that disciplinary actions are prompt, uniform and impartial. The major purpose of any disciplinary action is to correct the problem, prevent reoccurrence, and prepare the employee for satisfactory service in the future.
Disciplinary action may call for any of these four steps: verbal warning, written warning, suspension with or without pay or termination of employment. The action taken depends on the severity of the problem and the number of occurrences. There may be circumstances when one or more steps are bypassed.
Progressive discipline means that, with respect to most disciplinary problems, these steps will normally be followed: a first offense may call for a verbal warning; a second offense may be followed by a written warning; and a third offense may lead to a suspension. Further offenses may lead to termination of employment.
CF recognizes that there are certain types of employee problems that are serious enough to justify either a suspension, or, in extreme situations, termination of employment, without going through the usual progressive discipline steps. By using progressive discipline, most employee problems can be corrected at an early stage, benefiting both the employee and CF.
Policy Manual, Rule 6.25
Graduation ceremonies are held once a year, at the end of spring. Members of the full-time faculty shall participate (in full academic regalia) in graduation exercises that fall on a contracted work day, unless excused by the vice president for Academic Affairs. Academic regalia may be rented or purchased through the CF Bookstore.
Policy Manual, Rule 3.08
Department Chair and Program Manager Responsibilities
Faculty play an integral role in the shared governance of the college. Faculty willing to serve in the leadership role of department chair or program manager will find an outline of the Role and Responsibilities in Appendix H - Department Chair Responsibilities and Appendix I - Program Manager Duties/ Responsibilities .
The administration may assign faculty within their job classification from one department, division or campus/location to another, according to the needs and best interests of the college.
Instructional personnel have a professional responsibility to provide adequate notice of resignation. Instructional employee resignations effective the following academic year should be submitted prior to April 1. When a resignation is submitted during the contract year, the employee requesting release shall be expected to fulfill the contract until such time as a qualified and satisfactory replacement has been secured.
Policy Manual, Rule 6.11
Pay Periods
Instructional personnel are paid over 24 pay periods. Paychecks are issued on the 15th day of the month (or the last working day before the 15th) and on the last working day of the month. The first paycheck for instructional personnel is issued on Aug. 31. Separately contracted summer supplemental contracts will be paid in equal installments on the regularly scheduled pay dates.
Benefits of Employment
All benefits available to full-time faculty members are described on the Benefits site at https://benefits.cf.edu/. Insurance premiums, dependent health insurance, supplemental term life and various other benefits may be pre-tax dollars and are collected through payroll deduction. This site also provides telephone numbers, addresses, and email addresses for benefit vendors. If, after consulting the website, one needs further information, please call the benefits coordinator in Human Resources at 352-854-2322, ext. 1290.
Faculty Senate
Each division elects representatives to serve on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. The faculty of the college shall constitute an organization known as the Faculty Senate whose purpose shall be to advise the president on matters of college improvement. Membership shall be open to all personnel who teach over 50 percent of a full-time teaching load or who are librarians classified as faculty.
Excerpts from Policy Manual, Rule 6.28
Academic Freedom
Academic freedom and responsibility, as they apply to teaching, research, and creativity, are essential to the college. In the development of knowledge, research endeavors and creative activities, college faculty and student body are free to cultivate a spirit of inquiry and scholarly criticism and to examine ideas in an atmosphere of freedom and confidence. Consistent with the exercise of academic responsibility, a teacher must have the opportunity to study a full spectrum of ideas, opinions, and beliefs in acquiring maturity for analysis and judgment; and to participate fully in the development and debate of college policy and procedure. The teacher must present such matters objectively and skillfully.
The faculty member must fulfill a responsibility to society and to the profession by manifesting academic competence, scholarly discretion and good citizenship. The college teacher is a citizen, a member of a learned profession, and an academic official of an educational institution. As such, one should be constantly mindful that these roles may be inseparable in the public view and that appropriate restraint and good judgment must be exercised at all times. Faculty must carry out their duties in a professional, ethical and collegiate manner that enhances the mission and purpose of the college.
At no time should or will the principle of academic freedom protect an incompetent or negligent faculty member, nor will it prevent the College from making proper efforts to evaluate the work of each professional staff person.
Policy Manual, Rule 4.09
Textbook Selection
Before textbook adoption is finalized, the departments will collect and maintain written or electronic certifications from course instructors attesting that all textbooks and instructional items ordered will be used, particularly each item sold as part of a bundled package; the extent to which a new edition differs substantially from earlier versions; the value of changing to a new edition; and that efforts were made to find less expensive alternatives. In addition, the departmental documentation will indicate whether desk copies of the new adoption will be made available at the Learning Resource Center’s Reserve Desk, and the availability of free, equivalent or supplemental material through the Learning Resource Center or an online repository. Refer to the Textbook Adoption and Affordability Policy No. 4.01 (https://pr.cf.edu/files/procedures/textbook_selection_procedures.pdf) and Textbook Adoption Procedures and Guidelines and Textbook Assistance for Financially Challenged Students https://pr.cf.edu/files/procedures/TextbookAssistanceFinanciallyChallengedStudents.pdf.
Student Records
- Federal Student Records Law
Annually, the College of Central Florida (“College”) informs students of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. (20 U.S.C. 1232g and 34 C.F.R., 99.1-99.67). This Act, with which the institution endeavors to fully comply, was designed to protect the privacy of educational records, and to establish the right of students to inspect and review their non-privileged educational records. The Act also provides guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students have the right to file complaints with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the Act. An informal complaint may be filed within the institution by contacting the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. This Administrative Procedure explains in detail the processes to be followed by the College community for compliance with the provisions of the Act. Questions concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be referred to the Office of the Vice President, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, the Office of the Registrar or the General Counsel.
- Definitions
- A “student” is any person who enrolled in college credit courses or has previously enrolled in college credit courses at the college.
- “Education records” are any records (in handwriting, print, tapes, film, computer or other medium) maintained by the college or an agent of the college which are directly related to a student except:
- A personal record kept by a faculty or staff member if it is kept in the sole possession of the maker of the record, is not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record, and is not used for purposes other than a memory or reference tool.
- Records created and maintained by the Office of Public Safety for law enforcement purposes.
- An employment record of an individual whose employment is not contingent on the fact that he or she is a student.
- Alumni records which contain information about a student after he or she is no longer in attendance at the college and which do not relate to the person as a student.
- Classification of Student Records Maintained by the College
The student records maintained by the college are classified as follows:
- Official education records are maintained in the Office of the Registrar. They may include admission applications, official transcripts, graduation applications, residency statements, re-enrollment forms, equivalency diplomas (GEDs), correspondence with students, credit by exam documentation, grade changes, official transcripts of national or standardized test scores, records of grades and credits received in courses at the College of Central Florida or accepted by the College of Central Florida from another institution, and other documents directly relating to academic progress and status.
- Disciplinary records are maintained under the authority of the campus president or his or her designee for each College of Central Florida campus or center. They include information about the investigation, adjudication and imposition of sanctions by the College against a student for breach of the college’s code of student conduct or other written policies.
- Financial records concerning students are maintained by the Office of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. Financial aid application records, including tax forms, are maintained by the Financial Aid Office.
- Employment records of students receiving financial aid consist of work study authorizations and are maintained by the Financial Aid Office. Non-work-study employment records of students are maintained by the Office of Human Resources.
- Medical records are maintained by the Office of Disability Services for students who have disclosed a disability and have provided the college with appropriate documentation. This documentation may include medical, learning, or psychiatric evaluations. All documentation provided to the Office of Disability Services will remain strictly confidential. No information, except as provided by law, will be released to anyone, including parents, without the student’s written consent.
- Employment records of students who are College of Central Florida employees but whose employment is not related to their academic status and not a part of student financial aid are maintained by the Office of Human Resources, but are not directly affected by the provision of these guidelines.
- Electronic student education records maintained by the college on CANVAS are fully covered by this policy. Users of CANVAS are considered custodians of those student records to which they have access. Records should not be accessed by the user unless a legitimate educational interest exists or some other provision of the policy authorizing release applies.
- Student Access to Records
- Access - Students who are attending or have attended the college are to be afforded the rights of access to their records as specified by the Code with the exception of:
- Financial records of the parents of the student.
- Confidential letters of evaluation which have been placed in the records before January 1, 1975. Beginning January 1, 1975, the law allows the student to waive his or her rights of access if the letters have to do with admission, employment, or honors if the letters are used only for those purposes and the student is told, on the student’s request, the names of all letter writers. When confidential recommendations are collected in cases where the student has waived his or her access, the confidential statements (only) of such recommendations should be destroyed as soon as they are used for the purpose for which they were specifically intended.
- Limitations on Access - The college shall provide a “Student Authorization for Access to Educational Records” form for use when a student waives his or her right of access to confidential recommendations concerning admission to an institution, application for employment, receipt of an honor or honorary recognition, or any other purpose. The student will be given the opportunity to sign the “Student Authorization for Access to Educational Records” upon request or when the need for a confidential recommendation arises.
- Procedures for Granting Access - The president authorizes the custodians of records to establish definite procedures for granting a student access to his or her record. Such procedures will be clearly described in appropriate college publications.
- Student inspection of records is granted only upon written request, presented in person with appropriate photo identification, and must be made in the presence of designated personnel of the office maintaining the records. All requests shall be granted as soon as practicable, but in no event later than 45 days after the date of request. No documents or files may be altered or removed once a request has been filed.
- A student may receive a copy of any and all records to which he or she has lawful access, except when a hold has been placed on his or her record pending the payment of debts owed to the college.
- Release of Information
The College of Central Florida will disclose “directory information” from a student’s education records unless a confidential hold has been placed upon the release of the information by the student. The College will disclose information from a student’s educational records that is not considered to be “directory information” only with written consent of the student or without consent when the disclosure is:
- To school officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records.
- A school official is:
- a person who is employed by the College of Central Florida;
- a member of the Board of Trustees;
- a person employed by or under contract with the college to perform a special task, such as an attorney or auditor; or
- a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or who is assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
- A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official is:
- performing a task that is specified in his or her position description or contract agreement;
- performing a task related to a student’s education;
- performing a task related to the discipline of a student;
- providing a service or benefit relating to the student or student’s family, such as health care, counseling, job placement or financial aid; or
- maintaining the safety and security of the campus.
- To officials of another school, upon request, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. The student shall receive notification of the disclosure unless the student initiated the disclosure.
- Subject to the conditions set forth in 34 CFR 99.35 authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education, authorized representatives of the attorney general for law enforcement purposes (such as investigation or enforcement of federal legal requirements of federally supported education programs), or state and local educational authorities.
- School officials or lending institutions, in connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received, if the information is necessary for such purposes as to:
- determine eligibility for the aid;
- determine the amount of the aid;
- determine the conditions for the aid; or
- enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.
- State and local officials or authorities to which such information is specifically required to be reported or disclosed pursuant to state statute.
- Organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies or institutions for the purpose of developing, validating or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs and improving instruction, if such studies are conducted in such a manner as will not permit the personal identification of students and their parents by persons other than representatives of such organizations and such information will be destroyed when no longer needed for the purpose for which it is conducted.
- Accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions.
- Parents of a dependent student, as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. The parent must provide a copy of their most recent federal income tax return establishing the student’s dependency. Full rights under the act shall be given to either parent, unless the institution has been provided with evidence that there is a court order, state statute or legally binding document relating to such matters as divorce, separation or custody that specifically revokes those rights. The college does not have an obligation to disclose any financial information about one parent to another. If a parent claims a student as a dependent and does not want his/her financial information disclosed to his/her spouse or former spouse, the parent may make that request to the institution.
- In connection with an emergency, appropriate persons if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or others.
- To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena, provided the college makes a reasonable effort to notify the student of the order or subpoena in advance of compliance. Notification may be prohibited if the college receives a federal grand jury subpoena or any other subpoena which states that the student should not be notified. The General Counsel shall be consulted prior to release of the record. See below for further details on the college’s policy in dealing with subpoenas.
- To Veterans Administration Officials pursuant to 38 USC 3690(c).
- Information the college has designated as “directory information,” unless a hold has been placed upon release of the information by the student.
- The following data is considered to be directory information and may be given to an inquirer, either in person, by mail or by telephone, and may be otherwise made public: name of student, date of registered attendance, major field of study, dates of degrees and awards received, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight and height of members of athletic teams.
- This information may be made available and communicated to third parties through college publications, responses to requests, or other disclosures. A student may request that such directory information not be disclosed by completing the nondisclosure form which is available electronically and in paper form, and submitting the form to the vice president, Student Affairs. Former students who do not want directory information disclosed may also make such a request in writing to the registrar.
- To the court those records that are necessary to defend the institution when a student initiates legal action against the institution.
- Personal information shall be transferred to a third party only on the condition that such a party will not permit any other party to have access to such information without the written consent of the student. In all instances where written consent is required, written consent must specify the records that may be disclosed, state the purpose of the disclosure, and identify the parties or class of parties to whom disclosure may be made.
- Challenge Hearings
- If, upon inspection and review of his or her record, the student believes that the record is inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of his or her privacy rights, he or she may ask that the record be changed or may insert a statement in the file. Any disagreement should be resolved informally, if possible.
- The registrar, upon consultation with the appropriate college officials, may authorize a correction in a record within the academic file of a student. Similar responsibility is exercised by the vice president, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, the dean of Students, the director of Financial Aid, the respective academic dean, and the vice president, Administration and Finance.
- Should the request for a change be denied the student will be notified of the college’s decision and advised of the right to a hearing to challenge the information believed to be inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the student’s privacy rights. The student has 30 days to appeal the decision to the campus president and ask for a hearing. On behalf of the president of the college, the vice president, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs shall refer the appeal to an appointed committee. The committee will include one officer of administration other than the one who has denied the request, two faculty members, and two students. The College of Central Florida will notify the student, reasonably in advance, of the date, place and time of the hearing. The student shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised in the original request to amend the student’s education records. The student may be assisted by one or more individuals, including an attorney. The college will prepare a written decision based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing. The decision will include a summary of the evidence presented and the reasons for the decision. The decision of the hearing committee shall be final, except that administrative recourse to the president of the college always remains open.
- If the college decides that the information is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the student’s right of privacy, it will amend the record and notify the student, in writing, that the record has been amended. The challenge to be considered in such hearing may extend only to the material in the respective college file; it may extend to the correct recording of a grade but not to the appropriateness of the grade. If the college decides that the challenged information is not inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the student’s right of privacy, it will notify the student of the right to place in the record a statement commenting on the challenged information and a statement setting forth reasons for disagreeing with the decision. Such a statement shall become a part of the educational record and will be disclosed with it.
- Addition to Records
- No entry may be made to a student’s official records and no document or entry may be placed in such records without written notice to the student by the responsible administrative officials mentioned above.
- Notification of grades, written communication to a student of school or departmental evaluation and announcement of honors, however, constitute adequate notice. A document or entry supplied by or at the request of the student may be placed in the student’s record without additional notice to him/her. In the case of student records maintained in deans’ offices and departmental offices, additions other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph require the permission of the registrar, who is responsible for notification of the student.
- Record-keeping Requirements
The College of Central Florida will maintain a record of requests for and/or disclosures of information from a student’s education records. The record will indicate the name of the party making the request and what records, if any, were received. This record-keeping is not required if the request was from, or the disclosure was to:
- the student;
- a school official determined to have a legitimate educational interest;
- a party with written consent from the student;
- a party seeking directory information; or
- a federal grand jury or law enforcement agency pursuant to a subpoena that by its terms requires nondisclosure.
- Destruction of Academic Records
The College of Central Florida has established, in accordance with the guidelines of the Florida Public Records Act (Chapter 119, Florida Statutes), standard “life spans” for the different types of student records maintained.
- The following documents pertaining to student information will be maintained by the Office of Admissions/Records. These records will be archived in electronic format and the hard copy will be destroyed. The archived record is maintained permanently for further reference.
- Most recent application
- College of Central Florida academic record (standardized transcript)
- Transcripts (includes transient form(s), academic credits earned by nontraditional means, high school transcripts and transcript evaluations, dual enrollment and early admission forms)
- Residency statements and documentation
- Withdrawal form(s) and supporting documents
- Grade change forms
- Graduation applications and supporting documents
- Parental Rights
Once a student reaches the age of eighteen (18) or is enrolled in a postsecondary program, parents no longer have any rights under the FERPA unless (1) the student gives written consent to release the information to the student’s parents, or (2) the parents provide evidence that the student is a dependent of the parents as defined in section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
In compliance with FERPA, faculty cannot:
- Use even a portion of a student’s social security number (SSN) or ID number in a public posting of grades. (You CAN post grades if they are not in alphabetical order and if you use a unique identifier known only to the student and you.) For example: a student gives a generic number (542876) that is not a part of the student SSN or ID number;
- Link the name of a student with that student’s SSN or ID number in any public manner.
- Leave graded tests in a stack for students to pick up by sorting through the papers of all students.
- Circulate a printed class list with student names, SSN’s, ID numbers or grades as an attendance roster.
- Discuss the progress of a student with anyone other than the student (including parents) without the written consent of the student.
- Provide lists of students enrolled in your classes for any commercial purpose.
- Provide student schedules or assist anyone other than College of Central Florida employees in locating a student on campus.
FERPA Summary
Student educational records are considered confidential and may not be released without the written consent of the student, except by provisions outlined in law. (Exceptions are handled by the registrar.)
As a college employee, you have a responsibility to protect educational records in your possession.
Some information is considered public (sometimes called “directory information”). This information can be released without the student’s written permission. However, the student may choose to consider this information confidential. College of Central Florida has identified directory information as name, current mailing address, telephone number, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletics teams, dates of attendance, and degrees and awards received. A listing of directory information is listed in the college catalog.
You have access to information only for a “legitimate educational purpose” in completion of your responsibilities as a college employee. Information cannot be used for any other purpose.
If you are ever in doubt, do not release any information until you contact the Enrollment Office at 352-854-2322, ext. 1297.
The Office of Student Records and Financial Aid is responsible for all student record information.
Employee Ethics
Consistent with its commitment to the college’s core values, the Board expects all college employees to be guided by the highest ethical standards.
Faculty and administration shall follow the Code of Ethics of the Educational Profession in Florida (Florida Administrative Code Section 6B-1.001 and 6B-1.006).
(See Policy 6.26 - Employee Ethics.)
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest by college employees is prohibited. The following practices are examples of unacceptable conduct that constitute a conflict of interest on the part of a college employee:
- College employees shall not engage in the selling of goods, books, encyclopedias, musical instruments or any other instructional materials to students, parents, or other employees except as a regular part of the operation of the college through the college bookstore or museum shop at the Appleton Museum of Art.
- Employees shall not conduct college business with the District Board of Trustees involving the sale of any product or service.
- Instructors shall not engage in the selling of personally owned goods, parts or materials to customers receiving customer services from college programs.
- Faculty members shall not accept any form of payment for tutoring their own students.
- Employees shall not advertise or solicit business of a personal nature during normal working hours or in the college facility.
Appleton Museum of Art (see policy)
Student Loan Practices Code of Conduct
The integrity of the student financial aid process is critical to providing fair and affordable access to higher education in Florida. Employees shall adhere to the following principles in financial aid operations:
- College employees should receive no personal benefit.
- College employees should not serve on lender advisory boards for remuneration.
- The college should not provide any advantage to a lending institution.
- The college should make appropriate use of any Preferred Lender Lists.
Reporting Violations
- College employees shall report to appropriate authorities any known allegations of a violation of the State Board of Education Rules or College Policies and Procedures.
- The college shall seek no reprisal against any individual who has reported any allegation of a violation of the State Board of Education Rules or College Policies and Procedures.
Disclosure of Information
College employees shall not disclose any information that is confidential, as defined by Florida Statute or any information protected by federal regulation.
Excerpts from Policy Manual, Rule 6.26
Outside Employment
Forms for Notification of Engagement in Outside Employment are available on the intranet at https://inside.cf.edu/forms/OutsideEmployment.pdf.
Realizing that the success of the college is to a great extent dependent upon the good will, support, and respect of the community, and that all contacts between the community and college employees affect public opinion of the college, employees must conscientiously evaluate outside employment, including opportunities with regard to professional and ethical propriety.
Outside, full-time employment is not permitted; but even part-time employment may present a conflict of interest or negatively impact the employee’s ability to perform his or her duties. “Outside employment” includes holding public office, regardless of whether the office is elective or appointive, paid or non-paid.
Policy Manual, Rule 6.03
Please review Policy 6.03 before considering outside employment, and submit the proper paperwork for approval before engaging in the activity.
Shared Ownership
All materials, products, objects or processes, slides, specimens, films, recordings, diagrams, books, manuals and similar instructional matter produced by an employee within the scope of his or her employment is considered “work made for hire” (17 U.S.C. 201(b)) and the college is considered the author and owner of the rights comprised in that copyright unless the parties have expressly agreed in a written instrument, signed by the employee and the college, that the employee is to have all or part of the ownership rights.
Policy Manual, Rule 3.10
Any purchase not authorized by the Purchasing Department will be considered a personal purchase and will not obligate the college for payment. All requisitions and items that can be purchased via petty cash must have prior approval of the appropriate administrator.
Software Policy
CF maintains the posture that only legal copies of software programs must be used on CF computers. The office of the vice president for Administration and Finance prepared “A Guide to the Ethical and Legal Use of Software” for Members for the CF Community that outlines the policies and procedures for software use at CF. This document is available in the office of the vice president for Administration and Finance. Please refer to this document to answer any questions regarding appropriate use of software.
Religious Holiday Observance
In compliance with federal, state and District Board of Trustees rules which provide that there shall be no discrimination in the treatment of students and employees on the basis of religion, the college shall make reasonable accommodation for religious observance, practice and belief. Such accommodation shall apply to admissions, registration, class attendance and activities, scheduling of examinations and official ceremonies, and work assignments. Any student who believes that he or she has been unreasonably denied an educational benefit due to his or her religious belief or practice may seek redress through the college grievance procedures.
No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student or employee availing him or herself of the provisions of this rule.
(Florida Statute 1006.53; Florida Administrative Code 6A-14.0571; CF Board Policy 1.01, 3.18)
Leaves of Absence
Full-time faculty earn one day of sick leave for each month or major part of a month or a total of nine days for faculty on a 168-day contract. Full-time faculty may also earn one day of sick leave for each summer term in which they teach a full load (six semester hours). When sick leave is taken, hours are calculated by multiplying the number of hours absent (teaching and office) times 1.4.
Faculty who must miss class because of illness or other reasons shall notify their immediate supervisor as far in advance as possible so adequate provisions can be made for the class. If at all possible, qualified substitutes should be used to cover classes. For the “Class Coverage Form during Travel/Leave Dates,” go to https://inside.cf.edu/forms/class_coverage_form.doc. When full-time faculty use sick leave, they must submit a leave form to their immediate supervisor as soon as they return to duty.
Full-time faculty members may be granted four (4) days leave each fiscal year for personal reasons, including emergencies. Personal leave shall be charged to sick leave. Personal leave is non-cumulative. When possible, a Leave Request and Authorization Form for personal leave should be filed in advance with the employee’s supervisor. In cases of emergencies, employees shall file a Leave Request and Authorization Form immediately upon returning to work.
Professional leave is granted to an employee to engage in activities which will result in professional benefit or advancement that will contribute to the teaching effectiveness or to the benefit of the college. When seeking approval for extended professional leave, an “Application for Sabbatical” must be approved by the President via procedures established through the Office of Academic Affairs. (See http://pr.cf.edu/files/AA-17_Application_for_Sabbatical.pdf).
Policy Manual, Rule 6.14
NOTE: Faculty and College Planning Day events and graduation are held on contracted days; therefore, if you need to miss these days/events due to illness or personal reasons, please submit a leave authorization form to your instructional supervisor in advance, if possible. Unless prior approval has been given, submit a full day (7 hours) for planning day events and two hours for graduation.
Academic Integrity and Honor Code
This policy creates an honor code for students in their academic work.
Academic integrity is founded upon the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. Exhibiting these values is essential to promoting and maintaining a high level of academic integrity at the college. Each member of the college community stands accountable for his or her actions. The first responsibility for academic integrity lies with individual students and faculty members. A violation of academic integrity is an act harmful to the entire college community and may result in disciplinary action.
Violations of the code shall include, but are not limited to:
Cheating. The improper taking or tendering of any information or material used or intended to use for academic credit. Taking of information includes, but is not limited to, copying homework assignments from another student; working with others on a take-home test or homework when not specifically permitted by the teacher; looking or attempting to look at another student’s paper during an examination; looking or attempting to look at text or notes during an examination when not permitted. The tendering of information includes, but is not limited to, giving work to another student to be used or copied; giving answers to exam questions as the exam is being given; giving answers or other such information after taking an exam to another student who has not yet taken the exam; giving or selling a term paper or other written materials to another student. (Adapted from the policy of the University of Florida.)
Plagiarism. From the Latin for “kidnapper,” taking ideas from another and passing them off as one’s own, whether the ideas are published, unpublished, or the work of another student. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, submitting papers, examinations or assignments written by others; word-for-word copying of portions of another’s writing without indicating that the copied passage is a quotation (by the use of quotation marks or some other indicating device) and acknowledging the source in the appropriate format; the use of a particularly unique term or concept that one has come across in reading without acknowledging the author or source; the paraphrasing or abbreviated restatement of someone else’s idea(s) without acknowledging the author or source; the use of false citations or citing a source from which an idea has not been obtained; or submitting false or altered data in a laboratory. Plagiarism also occurs in a group project if a member of the group does not do his or her fair share of the group’s work but attempts to take credit for the work of the group. Because electronic information is so easily reproduced, respect for the work and personal expression of others is critical in computer environments. Violations, including plagiarism, invasion of privacy, unauthorized access, and copyright violations are grounds for disciplinary proceedings. Students should consult the section on plagiarism in the writing handbook used in ENC 1101. (Adapted from the policies of Wheaton College, Old Dominion University, the University of Florida and the University of North Carolina - Greensboro.)
Bribery. Offering, giving, receiving or soliciting any materials, items or services of value to gain academic advantage for oneself or another.
Misrepresentation. Any act or omission with intent to deceive an instructor or other college official for academic advantage, including using a computer program generated by another and handing it in as one’s own work unless expressly allowed by the instructor; lying to an instructor to increase one’s grade; lying or misrepresenting facts when confronted with an allegation of academic dishonesty; providing false statements upon financial aid forms or other college documents.
The proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) tools, such as Chat CPT and Dall-E, have created myriad new opportunities for workflow automation, learning assistance and, unfortunately, academic dishonesty. We leave it up to the individual faculty member to set their own parameters around the appropriate use of A.I. in their particular course. What may be appropriate for one course may not be for another. Deviation from the policy in each course syllabi will be addressed under CF Administrative Procedure 4.14 (See below) If a student has questions about the parameters set forth in a course, they should contact their instructor for clarification.
Conspiracy. Planning or acting with one or more persons to commit any form of academic dishonesty to gain academic advantage for oneself or another.
Fabrication. Use of invented or fictitious information or the falsification of research or other findings with the intent to deceive for academic advantage. (Adapted from the policy of the University of Florida.)
A component vital to the Academic Integrity and Honor Code is a pledge that applies to all assignments, examinations or other course work undertaken by students of the College of Central Florida. On all work submitted by students of the College of Central Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied:
“On my honor I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work, nor am I aware of others doing so.”
The president or the president’s designee shall establish the procedure for implementation of the Academic Integrity policy, including the establishment of an Honor Court.
Policy Manual, Rule 4.14
CF Administrative Procedure 4.14
The purpose of this procedure is to define violation(s) of the honor code and outline the process for resolving violation(s) of the Academic Integrity Policy. Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, conspiracy, and fabrication as related to the academic process. For purposes of this procedure, cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, conspiracy, and fabrication are defined in the Academic Integrity Policy.
Step One - Determination
When an instructor believes or receives information that a student has violated the Academic Integrity Policy, the instructor should contact the chief student affairs officer to determine if this is the student’s first violation and whether the student has attended the Academic Integrity Seminar. If the student is a repeat violator, the student may be charged with a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.
Step Two - First-time Violator
If the student is a first-time violator, the instructor should first discuss the matter with the student. The instructor may consult with or invite the participation of the instructor’s department chair, program facilitator or dean in the effort to reach resolution with the student. The instructor and student may resolve the problem in a manner acceptable to both. Resolution may include:
- a lower or failing grade in the course
- a lower or failing grade on the assignment or examination
- assignment of additional work to provide evidence of the student’s academic performance or understanding of the course material
- referral to the Academic Integrity Seminar.
If the instructor refers the student to the Academic Integrity Seminar, the instructor shall inform the student that his/her failure to attend the Academic Seminar may result in the assignment of a final course grade of FF, denoting course failure due to a violation of the college’s Academic Integrity policy.
Any agreement involving an academic penalty shall be put in writing signed by both parties, and reported by the instructor to the department chair, program facilitator or dean, vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, chief academic officer, vice president of Regional Campuses, and the dean at Levy Campus if students at either location are involved. A copy of the agreement will be given to the student. The chief student affairs officer shall maintain a record of the agreement between the instructor and student.
Step Three - Repeat Violator
If a student is a repeat violator, fails to attend the Academic Integrity Seminar, or fails to resolve his/her violation with the instructor as outlined in step two, the instructor shall refer the student to the chief student affairs officer for a violation of the college’s Code of Student Conduct.
Procedure for Policy No. 4.14
Equal Access/Equal Opportunity/Title IX
The College of Central Florida offers equal access and equal opportunity in its employment practices, admissions and educational activities. The college will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, age, marital status, national origin, genetic information or disability status in its employment practices or in the admission and treatment of students.
Additionally, neither the college, nor its direct-support organization(s), will expend any funds, regardless of source, to purchase membership in or goods and services from any organization which discriminates on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, age, marital status, national origin, genetic information or disability status.
The college will not tolerate discrimination, harassment and/or sexual harassment of students by other students or employees, discrimination, harassment and/or sexual harassment of employees by other employees or students, or discrimination, harassment and/or sexual harassment of students by third parties in any of its programs, activities or employment.
For definitions of discrimination, complaint, harassment, and sexual harassment, see full text of Equal Access/Equal Opportunity at http://www.cf.edu/policies.
The college is committed to ensuring that all students, employees and applicants for employment or admission receive fair and equitable treatment without regard to race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, age, marital status, national origin, genetic information or disability status. Toward this end, the Board of Trustees and its employees share a joint responsibility to actively and conscientiously seek a means of resolving complaints through due process, without fear of reprisal. However, an employee shall not have the right to file a complaint concerning performance appraisals unless it is alleged that the appraisal is based on factors other than the employee’s performance.
It is a violation of this rule to retaliate or take reprisal against any person who has filed a complaint or who has complained about discrimination, harassment and/or sexual harassment based on the fact that the student or employee raised an issue about discrimination, harassment and/or sexual harassment to his or her supervisor, or any supervisor or manager of the college, to any dean, vice president, or administrator, or to any other person, entity, or human rights agency.
Policy Manual, Rule 1.01
Reporting, Investigation and Resolution
The president or the president’s designee shall establish a complaint procedure that is available to all current students and employees and to those applicants for employment or admission who have reason to believe that they have been discriminated against, harassed, or denied employment or admission on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, age, marital status, national origin, genetic information or disability status.
The college encourages the reporting of any known or suspected activities of discrimination, harassment and/or sexual harassment according to procedure. Additionally, any employee, student, applicant for admission or employment or other participant in a college program or service who believes that he or she has been unlawfully harassed or discriminated against on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, age, marital status, national origin, genetic information or disability status may seek resolution to his/her complaint through College Administrative Procedures. The Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct Grievance Process for Employees and Students is available on the college’s website at http://www.cf.edu/procedures and in the student handbook.
Confidentiality in the investigation and resolution of complaints is protected to the extent possible under state and federal laws.
Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct Grievance Process for Employees and Students
The purpose of this procedure is to specify the appropriate process for students, employees, applicants for admission or employment or third parties alleging discrimination or harassment based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, pregnancy, age, marital status, national origin, genetic information or disability status for filing a discrimination or harassment complaint.
Employee: This procedure does not apply to employee performance appraisals, unless it is alleged that the appraisal is based on factors other than the employee’s performance.
Student: This procedure does not apply to complaints related to matters such as academic problems, academic grades, mistreatment by any college employee that is not related to discrimination, wrongful fee assessment, financial aid concerns, records and registration errors, and student employment of a general nature.
For definitions of discrimination, employee, student, complaint, complainant, harassment, sexual harassment, and respondent, see full text of Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct Grievance Process for Employees and Students Implementing Procedure for Policy 1.03 at https://pr.cf.edu/files/Procedures/Discrimination-Harassment-and-Related-Misconduct-Grievance-Process-for-Employees-and-Students.pdf.
Appeal/Final Resolution of Complaint
Right to Appeal
Both the complainant and the respondent have the right to appeal the equity officer’s findings. The appealing party may petition the president for review of a decision by the equity officer within five working days of the date of the decision. The written petition shall state the facts of the case, a summary of the findings of the equity officer and the appealing party’s reason for petitioning the president for review. The president’s action will be limited to review of the basis for the equity officer’s disposition and will not necessarily involve a new factual investigation. Notwithstanding the above, the president may, but is not required to, direct that further facts be gathered, direct a group (no more than three) to review the facts and make a recommendation to the president, or direct that additional remedial action be taken.
The president will act on the matter by letter, memo, or directive with notification to the complainant, the respondent and other appropriate persons within 15 working days of the receipt of the petition of appeal. The decision of the president shall be final.
Decline to Appeal
In cases where no appeal is filed within five working days of receipt of the summary report and findings of the formal investigation, the determination of the equity officer will be final.
Withdrawal of Complaints
Once filed, the college has an obligation to investigate complaints raising claims of discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment. However, in appropriate circumstances, and at the discretion and judgment of the president, the college may agree upon a written and signed request to do so by the complainant, to withdraw a complaint. Both the complainant and the respondent will be notified of the withdrawal.
Procedure for Policy 1.01
General Information
It is a violation of college policy to retaliate or take reprisal against any person who has filed a complaint or who has complained about discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment based on the fact that the employee raised an issue about discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment to his or her supervisor, or any supervisor or manager of the college, to any dean, vice president, or administrator, to any other person, entity or human rights agency.
False or Malicious Complaints
Any employee or student found to have acted dishonestly or maliciously in filing a complaint, or in their actions or witness statements during an official investigation, shall also become subject to possible disciplinary action.
The college will thoroughly investigate and resolve all appropriate complaints.
The privacy of both the complainant and the respondent will be respected, consistent with the college’s legal obligations under state and federal laws and with the necessity to investigate allegations of misconduct and take corrective action when this has occurred.
Employee: During the investigation, the college reserves the right to reassign an employee or place an employee on paid leave.
Student: During an investigation, the college reserves the right to reassign a student in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
The equity officer is responsible for investigation of all employee and student complaints.
Employee: All communications, documents, and records, paper or electronic, pertinent to an employee complaint process shall be kept in files separate from human resource records.
Student: All communications, documents, and records, paper or electronic, pertinent to a student complaint process shall be kept in files separate from student academic records.
Filing a Complaint
In the event that an employee or student believes that he/she has been the subject of discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment and cannot resolve the issue with the alleged party, that individual shall report his/her complaint to the college equity officer within 60 working days of the alleged incident. Information on contacting the college equity officer is available on the college website, in the employee handbook and in the student handbook.
Employee: In the event that the alleged party is the equity officer, the employee should report his/her complaint to the vice president responsible for his/her department.
Student: In the event that the alleged party is the equity officer, the student should report his/her complaint to the vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. Contact information for the vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs is available on the college website and the student handbook.
Any administrator or faculty who is informed of a complaint must refer the employee to the equity officer immediately. The equity officer will describe the complaint process to the complainant and review information relative to the complaint. If a complainant cannot state a sufficient basis in fact or law to support a discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment claim, the equity officer shall assist the complainant with selecting a more appropriate internal means of resolving the specific complaint.
Any administrator or faculty who has knowledge of a complaint must refer the complainant to the college equity officer immediately. The college has an obligation under law to investigate all reports of discrimination, harassment and/or sexual harassment, whether or not a complaint has been filed by the victim.
Informal: The equity officer will attempt to resolve the allegation informally by meeting with both parties, either individually or together. The informal resolution process is an attempt to resolve complaints quickly and to the satisfaction of all parties, while protecting confidentiality to the extent authorized by law. The aim of the informal dispute resolution is not to determine whether there was intent to, or actual discrimination, harassment and/or sexual harassment, but to ensure that the alleged discriminatory and/or, harassing conduct ceases and the matter is resolved promptly at the lowest possible level. Both parties must agree to an informal resolution process. The equity officer will complete the informal investigation within 30 working days.
If the complaint is resolved by mutual agreement of the parties, the matter will be considered settled. The equity officer will file a written report outlining the result of the informal complaint to both parties and the president within 15 working days of final resolution of the informal complaint.
Formal: If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, the complainant shall file a formal, written complaint with the equity officer.
All complaints should be in writing. The College of Central Florida Complaint Form is available to assist with filing of formal complaints. The form may be obtained from the equity officer or from the college website at http://pr.cf.edu/files/procedures/EmployeeComplaints.pdf. Written complaints may also be submitted in the form of a letter or memo. The complaint should include the following:
- complainant’s name and signature
- description of the act or acts complained of
- identity of the person or persons involved in the complaint (the “respondents”)
- date(s) on which alleged acts occurred
- names and contact information of potential witnesses
- effect the alleged acts have had on the complainant
- complainant’s desired resolution
- any other information the complainant believes is relevant.
Written complaints must be filed within 10 working days after receipt of the informal report. Upon receipt of the written complaint, the following will occur:
- The equity officer will review the formal complaint process with the complainant and provide a copy of the applicable college policy and procedure.
- The equity officer will notify the president and the appropriate department administrator of the formal complaint.
- The equity officer will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation by reviewing documents and interviewing witnesses.
- Any persons thought to have information or evidence relevant to the complaint shall be interviewed and such interviews shall be appropriately documented.
- If determined necessary, an appropriate level senior administrator will conduct interviews jointly with the equity officer.
- While interviewing witnesses, the equity officer will not disclose information gathered from witness interviews to anyone other than the complainant and respondent. Both the complainant and the respondent have the right to know the statements made and the identification of persons making statements.
- The equity officer may remind a reluctant witness that it is his or her duty to cooperate with the investigation.
- The equity officer may secure any information that was given during the informal process.
- Other acceptable methods for gathering information include, but are not limited to, visual inspection of offensive materials and follow-up interviews as necessary.
- In determining whether the alleged conduct constitutes discrimination, harassment and/or sexual harassment, the totality of the circumstances, the nature of the conduct, frequencies, and the context in which the alleged conduct occurred will be investigated.
- The equity officer will provide a copy of the written complaint to the respondent.
- The equity officer will file a written report with the appropriate vice president and the president within 30 working days after the formal complaint has been filed. The report shall include (1) an outline of the basis of the complaint, (2) the names of the persons involved, (3) a description of the facts of the case that were in dispute, (4) a description of the findings of the investigation and (5) the final resolution of the investigation.
- The equity officer will meet individually with the complainant and respondent to discuss the findings and provide a written summary of the overall findings. The college will take appropriate action to ensure nondiscrimination.
Drug-free Campus and Workplace
The College of Central Florida is committed to providing a campus and workplace environment free from the abuse of alcohol and the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs. In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Drug-free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the Drug-free Workplace Act, and the Florida Drug-free Workplace Program Requirements, the president or the president’s designee will take such steps as are necessary in order to adopt and implement a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by the College of Central Florida students or employees on college premises or part of any college activity. In furtherance of this policy, the president or the president’s designee shall establish procedures for drug and alcohol testing of employees and students.
The following standards of conduct apply to students and employees:
- Students and employees are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, distribution or use of illicit drugs and/or alcohol on college property, CF Foundation properties, and/or during college activities.
- Students are prohibited from attending class while under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol.
- Employees are prohibited from reporting to work while under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol.
- Employees and students shall notify the college of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace or during college-sponsored activities no later than five (5) days after such conviction.
The president or the president’s designee is authorized to impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees (consistent with local, state and federal law), up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution, for violations of standards of conduct required by this policy. For purposes of this policy, a disciplinary sanction may include completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program.
(Florida Statutes 112.0455, 440.101, 440.102, 1001.02, 1001.64, 1006.62; CF Board Policy 3.19)
Campus Environment Policy
The campus environment will be conducive to learning. Thus, the president is authorized to establish rules which foster the learning environment and safety on campus. See Policy 3.20 at https://pr.cf.edu/files/policies/3-20.pdf. Specific prohibitions on campus include: (1) firearms, (2) illegal drugs, (3) animals, exceptions include service animals for persons with disabilities and animals used for previously approved instructional or special programs, (4) agents, salespersons, and solicitors, (5) food and beverages in classrooms and other college spaces, unless an area is specifically designated for food and beverages, (6) gambling, (7) smoking, (8) unattended minor children, and (9) alcohol. See policy for further explanation and exceptions.
Policy Manual, Rule 3.20
Workers’ Compensation Claim Procedures
Workers’ Compensation provides payment for medical expenses for employees who incur an injury on the job and must see an authorized physician or go to a medical facility. It also pays a percentage of wages to an employee who has been placed off work by an authorized physician due to a workplace injury. Full-time employees may supplement the remaining percentage of their wages with their accrued leave time. The college’s third party administrator will send the checks (made payable to the individual) to the college for pickup at the Payroll Department and to be used in calculating the amount needed to make the paycheck(s) accurate. This is to ensure that the employee is not overpaid.
Any full-time or part-time employee (adjunct, student assistant, part-time hourly) or volunteer is eligible for compensation if he or she is injured while performing duties within the course and scope of employment. Step-by-step instructions for reporting and submitting a claim are found at http://benefits.cf.edu/workers_compensation.html.
(NOTE: If an “off-duty” employee is injured on campus while attending a function, the incident is reported as a Liability claim rather than a Workers’ Compensation claim. Incidents involving students or non-employees are also reported as Liability claims. Liability claims are handled through CF’s Purchasing Office.)
Admission of Convicted Felons with Violent Criminal History, Sexual Offenders, Sexual Predators
The college currently requires criminal background information through the regular admissions process. Additionally, local law enforcement agencies frequently notify the college that a convicted felon with a violent criminal history is enrolled or is planning to enroll at the college.
If the individual is classified as a convicted felon with a violent criminal history or a sexual offender and has applied or is already in attendance the individual will be notified, directed to provide specific documents relating to his/her felony(s), and meet with the Special Admissions Committee. The SAC will determine if the individual is allowed to attend college and conditions under which that attendance is granted. An individual classified as a sexual predator will not be admitted to the college. Further details on this process and conditions and committee membership may be found in the CF Administrative Procedures, Policy 7.00.
Each term the offender is enrolled, the vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs or designee will notify each instructor in whose course the offender is enrolled, each employee supervising an activity in which the offender participates, and each employee who, in the opinion of the vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs or designee, has a need to know of the offender’s presence and of the opportunity to seek additional details on the nature of the sexual offense by personal consultation with vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs or designee.
Procedure for Policy 7.0
Threat Assessment Team
The purpose of the Threat Assessment Team is to investigate potential risks to the college community by students who have behaved or acted in ways that raise serious safety concerns. The team will assess whether such behaviors pose a danger of the student causing physical harm to themselves or others. The team will also assess whether such behavior impedes the activities of the college or if the individual is unable to engage in the activities necessary to obtain an education. Based on the team’s assessment of the information, the team can recommend the Emergency Suspension of the student. A hearing on the matter will be conducted as soon as practically possible to assure the due process rights of the student. Further details on TAT roles and responsibilities and membership may be found in the CF Administrative Procedures - Threat Assessment Team (http://pr.cf.edu/files/procedures/threat_assessment_team.pdf).