Course Title
Syllabus 2024-FA
Aug 19, 2024 - Dec 12, 2024
Course Information
(Please note: Course Title, Course Number and Credit Hours will populate automatically from Jenzabar. You may not edit this information. You should complete the remainder of this section.)
Course Title:
Course Number:
Credit Hours:
Meeting Days and Times:
Class Location:
Course Meeting Dates:
Instructor Information
Office Location:
Telephone Number:
Office Hours and Location:
Optional Instructor Message / Welcome Video
(Optional section. Use this section to enter an additional welcome message, or information about you that you’d like the students to know.)
Extended Emergency Closure
For emergency campus closings (natural disasters, etc.) call 352-291-4499 or 800-831-9244 or check our website (
Course Description
The catalog course description will go here. It populates directly from Jenzabar.
Course Prerequisites: Course Prerequisites will go here. They populate directly from Jenzabar.
Course Corequisites: Course Corequisites will go here. They populate directly from Jenzabar.
As a registered student in this class, you assume the responsibility for conducting yourself in a manner that contributes positively to CF’s learning community as described in the Student Code of Conduct. This class may require participation in discussion to meet course-learning outcomes. We are a class comprised of individuals. As such, there will be multiple opinions expressed throughout the semester that you may not personally agree with or even understand - as may be expected. My role as an instructor is to facilitate freedom of expression that is relevant to the course, credible, open and respectful without the promotion or endorsement of a single viewpoint. Conversations informed by diverse viewpoints contribute to critical thinking and higher-level learning. Even if you don’t agree, listening to different points of view may give you further insight into your own perspectives. No lesson is intended to espouse, promote, advance, inculcate, compel a particular feeling, perception, viewpoint, or belief in a concept. Concepts as presented are not endorsed by the instructor but are presented as part of the larger course of instruction. Should a student feel uncomfortable with how course content is presented or discussed, please contact the instructor for further conversation.
Required Materials
Note: If additional materials or textbooks are optional but not required you may put them in the Optional Materials section.
Optional Materials
Course Objectives
Enter Course Objectives here.
Institutional Learning Outcomes
This list offers you a consistent way to see the CF institutional learning outcomes that are relevant to this course. This is for information purposes only and does not change the grading system used in this class. Only those learning outcomes relevant to this course are included below.
(Note: Delete the ILOs that are not relevant to the course.)
Critical Reasoning
Lower Division: The student will reflect, analyze, synthesize, and apply critical thinking.
ILO 1.1. Accurately interpret evidence, statements, graphics, questions, etc. (How Measured:)
ILO 1.2. Establishes knowledge of conflict resolution and goal setting.
ILO 1.3. Thoughtfully analyze and evaluate alternative points of view.
ILO 1.4. Validates conclusions through application of decision-making skills.
ILO 1.5. Contrast and apply assumptions and reasons through critical thinking skills.
Baccalaureate Level: Students will construct, analyze, evaluate, and justify critical thinking skills to solve problems and demonstrate decision-making competencies.
ILO 1.1 Accurately interpret evidence, statements, graphics, questions, etc.
ILO 1.2 Establish knowledge of conflict resolution and goal setting.
ILO 1.3 Thoughtfully analyze and evaluate alternative points of view.
ILO 1.4 Validate conclusions through application of decision-making skills.
ILO 1.5 Contrast and apply assumptions and reasons through critical thinking skills.
Lower Division: The student will read, write, speak, and listen effectively.
ILO 2.1. Analyze essential facts and concepts of scholarly peer-reviewed articles (reading).
ILO 2.2. Compose an organized paper that communicates effectively and coherently (written communication).
ILO 2.3. Formulate clear, well-organized written and oral ideas through essential concepts and communication.
ILO 2.4. Express clear, well-organized ideas through appropriate communication (oral communication).
Baccalaureate Level: Students will be able to formulate, demonstrate, and critique effective written and oral communication skills.
ILO 2.1 Analyze essential facts and concepts of scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.
ILO 2.2 Compose an organized paper that communicates effectively and coherently.
ILO 2.3 Formulate clear, well-organized written and oral ideas through essential concepts and communication.
ILO 2.4 Express clear, well-organized ideas through appropriate communication.
Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning
Lower Division: The student will understand and apply mathematical and scientific principles and methods.
ILO 3.1 Perform accurate computations using order of operations with and without technology.
ILO 3.2 Identify and organize relevant information and complete the solution of an applied problem.
ILO 3.3 Interpret and communicate understanding of visual representations of data.
ILO3.4 Demonstrate mathematical number sense and unit sense.
Baccalaureate Level: Students will be able to apply concepts of mathematical and scientific principles and methods to develop logical arguments and explain phenomena in terms of related concepts.
ILO 3.1. Identifies relevant information to complete accurate computations of an applied problem.
ILO 3.2. Analyzes solutions to provide valid conclusions for analytical decisions.
Global Socio-Cultural Responsibility
Lower Division: The student will be an informed and responsible citizen in social, cultural, and global matters.
ILO 4.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the values and expressions of other cultures that arise from human experience.
ILO 4.2 Identify scientific principles underlying human influence upon the Earth and its inhabitants.
ILO 4.3 Recognize complex historical, cultural, economic, and political forces that create societies as well as how these forces shape personal identity.
ILO 4.4 Understand the local and global connections among power, knowledge, gender, and class.
ILO 4.5 Understand the local and global connections between self-direction, cooperation, respect, responsibility, integrity, and social success.
Baccalaureate Level: Students will develop, understand, and demonstrate cultural awareness, sensitivity, and competency for a diversity of cultures within society.
ILO 4.1. Establishes an understanding of the values and expressions of other cultures that arise from human experience.
ILO 4.2. Identify complex historical, cultural, economic, and political forces that create societies, as well as, how these forces shape personal identity.
ILO 4.3. Analyzes the local and global connections among power, knowledge, gender, and class.
ILO 4.4. Compares and contrasts the local and global connections between self-direction, cooperation, respect, responsibility, integrity, and social success.
Computer and Information Skills
Lower Division: The student will be able to evaluate the importance of technology and its applications.
ILO 5.1 Organize data or information using appropriate electronic media.
ILO 5.2 Access, research, and retrieve information using the internet.
ILO 5.3 Communicate with others using electronic media.
ILO 5.4 Implement appropriate security measures in a digital environment
Baccalaureate Level: Students will be able to investigate, apprise, and utilize concepts of contemporary technologies relevant to application and practice.
ILO 5.1. Access, research, and analyze scholarly peer-reviewed information using the internet.
ILO 5.2. Communicate professionally using electronic resources.
Assessment information should be included here.
Information about proctoring for assessments should be included here.
Grading Scale
A |
90-100% |
B+ |
87-89% |
B |
80-86% |
C+ |
77-79% |
C |
70-76% |
D |
60-69% |
F |
Below 60% |
Note: The grading scale is part of the syllabus template. You may not edit this.
Course Schedule/Outline
This information will pull over from Canvas. If you prefer to not put this information into Canvas, you may manually enter it in the section below.
Course Schedule/Outline
In this section, include any additional information about assignments that is needed.
Unforeseen Circumstances
Due to unforeseen happenings, it may be necessary for the course assignment schedule to be altered. I will always strive to be fair about any changes.
College Policies
College policies can be found at
Equity Statement
College of Central Florida offers equal access and opportunity in employment, admissions and educational activities. The college will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, pregnancy, age, marital status, national origin, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status or disability status in its employment practices or in the admission and treatment of students. Recognizing that sexual harassment constitutes discrimination on the basis of sex and violates this policy statement, the college will not tolerate such conduct. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Dr. Mary Ann Begley, Title IX Coordinator, Ocala Campus, Building 3, Room 116, 3001 S.W. College Road, 352-291-4410, or