Jan 02, 2025
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook
Appendix C - Student Evaluations
Student Evaluation of Instructor
Given mid-October through mid-November and late February through late March, student evaluations of faculty are administered per the Implementing Procedure for Policy 4.11. The evaluation will be opened to students through the student portal. The Office for Academic Affairs will notify faculty that the survey has been deployed . Faculty should then inform students of the process and deadlines, and encourage them to go online and participate.
The anonymous online evaluation is intended to aid instructors to see their strengths, as well as areas for improvement, from a student perspective. Following is a listing of the questions given to students:
Student Evaluation - Part I (very good - poor)
- Course organization
- Instructor’s ability to give examples, demonstrate skills, and use illustrations
- Responsiveness to student questions
- Effective organization of class
- Clarity of syllabus, regarding student responsibilities and assignment requirements.
Student Evaluation - Part II (always - rarely)
- Fairness to students
- Availability and helpfulness
- Instructor encourages students to participate in class activities and discussion
- Instructor uses a variety of teaching techniques in the class
- Instructor displays enthusiasm to encourage student learning.
Student Evaluation - Part III
- What are the strengths of your instructor and what did you like the most about the course?
- What areas of improvement would you like to identify for your instructor and what would you like to see changed about the course?
When answering the questions listed in Part III, please consider the following areas for comment, if applicable:
- the instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter
- student confidence in the instructor’s knowledge of the subject
- level of the instructor’s enthusiasm
- clarity of the instructor’s explanations and answers to questions
- instructor’s innovation and creativity
- use of technology
- openness to discussing differences of opinion
- reasonableness of class and homework assignments.
Feel free to include any other important criteria you wish to aid your instructor in further understanding your evaluation of teaching.