Sep 27, 2024  
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook 
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook

Quick Reference

This section will provide you with answers to frequently asked questions. Everyone at CF stands ready to assist you in any way possible. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to call your department staff assistant, the instructional supervisor over your area, or the vice president for Academic Affairs.

First and Last Week of Classes

First Week of Class

Look for an email notification after the add/drop period (approximately the fifth day of the semester) to:

  1. Print out latest class roster (see Access to Schedule, Class List (Class Roster), and Grade Entry)
  2. Complete Attendance Verification (see Role and Responsibility of Teaching Faculty  section).

Give the department staff assistant a copy of your syllabus and door schedule:

  1. Syllabus (see Appendix B - Syllabus Template  or for a syllabus template)
  2. Faculty door schedule (

Check your mail box, CF email and Canvas email on a regular basis for communication from staff and students. The department staff assistant will show you where your mailbox is located. CF email and Canvas email can be accessed through the CF website.

Last Week of Class

General Information

Academic Calendar

See Select Academic Calendar.

Access to Schedule, Class List (Class Roster) and Grade Entry

  • Go to
  • Click on myCF.
  • Enter your CF ID number and click continue.
  • Enter your CF email address in the box that pops up. When prompted, enter your network password. This is the same password you use to login to your computer in your office. 
  • When prompted, select yes or no to remain signed in to MyCF. Clicking no is recommended.
  • Click on the Faculty tab.
  • On the right you will see a box Faculty Tasks. On that same page, see Bookmarks for important information and video tutorials .

See Role and Responsibility of Teaching Faculty  section for further information on:

  • Attendance Verification
  • Posting/Submitting Final Grades

Adjunct Faculty Information

Admissions and Registration Calendar

Go to Calendars at Select Admissions and Registration Calendar.

CF Intranet

Access to the CF intranet from home can be done using the VMware virtual desktop client.

CF Printing and Postal Services

See Resources , CF Postal Services and CF Printing Services. Please see your department staff assistant before making a large number of copies.

Computer and Teaching Station Assistance

If you need assistance with the automated teaching station in a classroom, either email or call the Information Technology Help Desk at 352-854-2322, ext. 1378. You may also request a technician to meet with you for a demonstration (by appointment). Laminated directions are at each station.

Door Schedules

At click on Faculty/Student Specific under Form Types. Click on Faculty Door Schedule with Instructions.

Early Support Program (ESP)

See Role and Responsibility of Teaching Faculty  section, Early Support Program (ESP).

Email Instructions

See Role and Responsibility of Teaching Faculty , Email.

Equal Access/Equal Opportunity

See Important Information for Students, Employees and Guests.

Faculty/Student Specific Forms

See Click on Forms/Faculty Student Specific.


If needed, keys to classrooms/labs are ordered for each faculty member. The staff assistant (or assigned person) will ask you to sign a receipt form and personally give you the key.


It is essential that students be able to contact their instructors. College telephone numbers and college email addresses should be included on the syllabus and first-day handouts. Students may also call the staff assistant to leave messages. All messages will be placed in the faculty member’s mailbox.

Name Badges

A name badge will be ordered for you, if you don’t already have one. When the badge comes in, it will be placed in your mailbox.

Office Supplies

Supplies are available in your department. If you need supplies, please see the department staff assistant.


To obtain a parking decal and faculty identification card, go to the Campus Security Building (next to the Bryant Student Union at the Ocala Campus). If an instructor must drive a different vehicle on occasion, an additional parking permit may be obtained from the Office of Public Safety, or the instructor may print and complete a one-day parking permit and post it in the windshield (see

Pay Dates

Checks are issued on the 15th and the last day of each month. The Direct Deposit Authorization form can be found on the intranet, if you wish to have your checks directly deposited to your checking/savings account.


See Resources , Photocopying.

Public Safety/Security

Ocala Campus

  • If you have a room problem or room conflict, call 352-854-2322, ext. 1716.
  • Public Safety/Security or emergency, 352-873-5841.

Citrus Campus

  • 352-746-6721, ext. 6135 or 352-414-6192 (CF cell for Evening Coordinator)

Levy Campus

  • 352-493-9533 (until 7 p.m.)
  • Security at front desk until 9 p.m.

See Appendix G - Emergency Guidelines  for Safety Procedures.

Security of Facilities and Equipment

See Role and Responsibility of Teaching Faculty , Security of Facilities and Equipment.


See Role and Responsibility of Teaching Faculty , Syllabus. Your syllabus must be available in Simple Syllabus/Canvas by the published deadline for each term. Department Chairs/Program Managers or the lead full-time faculty members will review your syllabus prior to publishing to the syllabus library.  See for Helpful Video Tutorials and Documents and directions on how to use Simple Syllabus.

Telephone Directory

• By name,
• By department,

Testing Center

See Procedures , Testing Accommodations: Make-up Tests and/or Tests for Distance Learners and Testing Center - Instructor Responsibilities.

Travel/Professional Development

See Procedures , Travel. You may apply for funding of professional conferences and other kinds of professional travel activities. Requests are evaluated by the Teaching and Learning Institute coordinator.

  1. Faculty currently under contract with CF may apply. All travel must be documented and approved in advance. All forms must be turned in at least three weeks prior to departure.
  2. Adjunct faculty must have taught at CF for at least four semesters (excluding current term). Amount of travel approved will be based on number of classes taught in the past two years at $100 per class, not to exceed $1,000 per trip or $1,000 per adjunct faculty member per year.
  3. To receive travel reimbursement, faculty must submit, within two weeks of return, a follow-up review that outlines the intended evaluation activity to include:
    1. brief written review of the conference/workshop/program to be published in “Directions,” the TLI journal
    2. presentations to colleagues at formal meetings (in-service workshops)
    3. informal sharing with colleagues at division/department meetings.

Tuition Waivers

See Resources , Tuition Waivers.