Jan 02, 2025  
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook 
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook


Academic Pathways

Created by faculty and advisors in a collaborative, on-going process, Academic Pathways are a vital resource for students as they navigate through each semester at CF. To view current pathways, click here: https://www.cf.edu/academics/academic-resources/academic-pathways/.

Learning Resources Centers

The Learning Resources Centers provide a wide array of support services in a welcoming atmosphere. In Ocala, the Clifford B. Stearns Learning Resources Center offers help through the Library, the Learning Support Center, the Writing Center, the Anatomy and Physiology Open Lab, the Office of Professional Development, the Teaching and Learning Institute and the E-Learning Help Desk. The Ocala Campus LRC is open 70 hours a week including Saturdays. At the Wilton Simpson Citrus Campus, the Dorothea G. Jerome Building houses the Library and the Learning Support Center. The Citrus Campus LRC is open 56.5 hours a week Monday-Friday and is closed Saturday and Sunday. Summer hours vary at both campuses.

Learning Resources Centers Hours

During the fall and spring semesters, the Ocala Campus LRC is open:

Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.
Friday 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

During the summer semesters, the Ocala Campus LRC is open:

Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.

During the fall and spring semesters, the Citrus Campus LRC is open:

Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

During the summer semesters, the Citrus Campus LRC is open:

Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Hours may vary when classes are not in session and on holidays. For more information, call the Circulation Desk at 352-854-2322, ext.1344, for the Ocala Campus or 352-854-2322, ext. 6119, for the Citrus Campus. Hours can also be found at library.cf.edu.


Photocopying is available at the Ocala and Citrus Learning Resources Centers. Faculty can contact their departmental staff assistant for instructions on copying.


Printing is available in the Ocala Learning Resources Center on the first floor in the Learning Support Center, Building 3, Room 101, and in the Library on the second floor.

Printing is available at the Citrus Learning Resources Center.

Library Website

Faculty can connect with the Library online via the MyCF Portal > Academics tab > Library Resources and Services button or go directly to the Library website, https://library.cf.edu/.

Library Circulation Access Services

CF Faculty may check out circulating items until the end of the current semester. Non-circulating items, including reference books and periodicals, may also be checked out for a limited time. See library staff for full details. A current CF ID card is required.

Library Collections

The CF Library provides access to physical items (books, DVDs, periodicals) and electronic resources, including full-text databases, e-books, e-journals, and streaming video. The acquisition of materials for our collections is based on relevance to the curricula, benefit to the college, and cost. To ensure that the collections best serve CF needs, faculty are encouraged to actively participate in the selection of materials. Contact a librarian at library@cf.edu to suggest materials for purchase.

Library Catalog and Databases

The Library website, library.cf.edu, provides access to the CF catalog and database lists:

  • The Library provides access to records for and information about the print books, periodicals, and audio-visual materials available in the Ocala and Citrus libraries, and Levy and Appleton collections, and access to more than 100,000 full-text electronic books, tens of thousands of streaming videos, and millions of full-text articles. The catalog can also be used to request books from other Florida state colleges and universities.
  • The Database List includes more than 100 databases, and access to full-text journal articles, e-books, reference materials, news sources, streaming video, and more. Databases include: Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Complete, The Cochrane Library, Gale Artemis Literary Sources, Gale Interactive, Human Anatomy, JSTOR, Opposing Viewpoints, and Ovid - Full Text Nursing.

Library Resource Sharing and Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan and UBorrow services are available to obtain physical items not available at our campuses and centers, from other colleges and universities. Delivery times for physical items are one to two weeks for most items. Full-text articles can also be requested through interlibrary loan and are typically received in one to three days.

Materials that are available at one of our campus libraries can be sent to another CF campus library via daily courier.

The CF library participates in a reciprocal borrowing agreement with all Florida state colleges and universities. CF faculty and students may check out items from other Florida state colleges and universities using their current CF ID.

Library Instruction and Information Literacy

Faculty members are encouraged to schedule library instruction in advance of assignments that require students to use academic resources. Both in person and virtual sessions via Zoom are available.  Librarians provide information on library services and instruct students on how to locate relevant and accurate information, using the Library  Catalog and subject-specific databases, and offer guidance in  evaluating information. Instruction is tailored to assignment/information need. Library resources and research help can also be included or made available in Canvas. For more information, or to schedule a library instruction session, please visit the Faculty page at the library website, library.cf.edu/faculty.

Library Reference Services

Librarians are available, in person and virtually, to help with research, finding and navigating academic resources, understanding citation styles and formatting, and to support healthy information literacy skill building. Contact information, virtual chat, and online guides and tutorials are all discoverable at the library website, library.cf.edu.   A link to the statewide Ask-a-Librarian service, available evening and weekend hours beyond what the CF Library offers, can be found in the footer at the library website.

Library/Course Reserve Services

The Ocala Library maintains a print reserve collection of textbooks and other supplemental course materials as provided by instructors, which generally circulate to students for in-library use only. The library also provides digital access to many titles on reserve following controlled digital lending guidelines. If you’d like to place an item on reserve for your students, or would like more information on electronic course reserves, please contact the Ocala Library Circulation Desk at 352-854-2322, ext.1344, or the Citrus Library at 352-249-1205or check out the Course Reserves page at the website, library.cf.edu.

Library Liaisons

Each CF department has its own librarian, who acts as liaison for faculty in that department to provide updates and information, attend departmental meetings, and solicit feedback on services and resources. Feel free to contact your library liaison anytime; see Faculty Specific Services at the library website, library.cf.edu/faculty/ref_libinstruction.

Library Special Needs

The libraries purchase, and make available, videos and DVDs that have captioning and audio description where available. A document magnifier is also available in the Stearns LRC, Building 3, on the second floor. If students require special assistance, faculty should notify library staff.

Library Special Collections

Other resources available to CF faculty, students and community are the special collections donated to the CF Foundation and located in the Learning Resources Centers and other locations on campus. Ocala collections include the Wisdom Traditions Collection, the Kenneth H. “Buddy” MacKay Congressional Books, the Hartigan Equine Collection, the Abraben Architectural Collection and the Ocala Royal Dames Cancer Research Collection. The Ocala LRC also houses regalia from Congressman Clifford B. Stearns, his congressional desk, flags, and books. Governor Bryant’s donated desk is housed on the second floor of the Bryant Student Union. The Citrus Learning Resources Center houses the Walker Environmental Science Collection.

Library Suggestions and Ideas

Faculty are encouraged to share ideas and suggestions with library staff. Email the library directly at library@cf.edu. We welcome input and collaboration with faculty in order to provide the best possible service to students, faculty, staff and our community.

Learning Support Centers

The Ocala (Clifford B. Stearns, Building 3, Room 101), Citrus (Dorothea Jerome Building, Room 204) and Levy (Building 1, Room 217) Learning Support Centers aid CF students, at no cost, in academic (including developmental education, if needed) and occupational (including A.S. degree and certificate) programs by offering success-oriented services.

All CF and university partner students have access to the computers in the Learning Support Centers.

Faculty are encouraged to give ideas and suggestions to the director of E-Learning and Learning Support Centers. Input from and collaboration with faculty to provide the best possible service to students is welcome.

Computer Assistance

Staff is available to provide computer assistance to students using the Learning Support Centers.


Tutoring is available in the learning support centers in most subject areas and is free for students. Students may sign up for individual or group sessions. Core class tutors are usually available in the mornings, afternoons and evenings. Free online tutoring is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the Tutor.com link in each course in Canvas.  Walk-in tutoring in mathematics is available on the Ocala Campus in the Math Lab, Building 7, room 106. For more information, please call 352-854-2322 ext. 1246 or email tutoring@cf.edu.

Anatomy and Physiology Open Lab

The Anatomy and Physiology Open Lab on the Ocala Campus is available to students any time the Learning Support Center is open. Students may utilize 3-D anatomical models, Visible Body software and open computers. Tutoring is available individually and in groups.

Writing Center

The Ocala Campus Writing Center offers writing support to courses across the curriculum through tutoring, small group instruction and workshops. In addition, specialized software is available in this lab to enhance students’ writing skills.

E-Learning Resources

E-Learning courses are available in three formats:

  • Online Courses - Online courses and programs are distributed through the internet, allowing for flexibility in time and/or place constraints normally encountered in traditional, on-campus classes. These courses may be conducted asynchronously or synchronously with live meetings.
  • Hybrid Courses - Hybrid courses are combinations of online and traditional face-to-face classroom instruction. A designated percentage of the class is delivered on campus, and the remaining percentage is delivered in the online environment. The predetermined percentages will vary according to the needs of the particular class and/or the particular instructor.
  • Hy-Flex - Hy-Flex courses provide students the flexibility to attend each class in person or live online via webcam and microphone. Specific definitions and information regarding e-learning courses is included in the E-Learning Handbook (https://inside.cf.edu/manuals/E-LearningHandbook.pdf).  

All faculty are required to use Canvas learning management system to post syllabi, grades and attendance, and other materials for their students to access for all courses, regardless of instructional method.

CF Email Requirement for E-Learning Faculty

Instructors who teach E-Learning classes are required to maintain and regularly check their CF email accounts for the duration of the registration period and the semester in which they are teaching. Students may be required to submit assignments via Canvas, but instructors must be available via CF email for other communications from students and staff.

Training for Faculty Participating in E-Learning

Faculty teaching in any distance learning modality are required to complete an introductory Learning Management System training prior to teaching and complete the Digital Literacy and Compliance course when invited. Faculty involved in developing E-Learning courses are provided with support in technology training, specific methodology appropriate for the medium of delivery and with systems delivery support. To this end, the Teaching Learning Institute and Professional Development Center, in cooperation with the E-Learning and Information Technology departments, provide continuous assistance for web-based and other forms of E-Learning instruction, including training for effective use of instructional technology, as well as on ways to encourage communication and trust between students, their instructors and fellow students in E-Learning classes.

The Learning Commons

The Learning Commons area of the Learning Resources Center on the Ocala campus is located on the first floor and includes open, collaborative spaces with multiple whiteboards, a conference room, a mindfulness room and Cliff’s Cyber Café.

Office of Professional Development - Professional Development Center

The PDC offers a place for faculty to work individually or with colleagues to design materials for classroom instruction. It includes the following resources:

  • an instructional technology computer lab with 16 computer stations for workshops and assistance in the development and use of presentation tools, a four-station mini-lab to work on individual projects, desktop publishing and graphics packages, and a station for Zoom and recording videos.
  • a large conference room with teleconferencing equipment, providing a spacious and welcoming setting for committee meetings, workshops, and other functions; and one smaller breakout conference area equipped with a plasma screen and a laptop station.

The PDC provides equipment to develop materials in the computer lab including presentation and authoring software.

Hours of Operation

Fall and Spring Hours

Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Summer Hours

Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Teaching and Learning Institute

TLI Mission

The Teaching and Learning Institute is dedicated to fostering a learning-centered culture at College of Central Florida. Recognizing that outstanding instruction is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement, the CF Teaching and Learning Institute promotes and supports opportunities which stimulate excellence in teaching in order to enhance student learning.

TLI Goals

The Teaching and Learning Institute is committed to the following goals:

  • fostering continuous improvement in teaching and professional development
  • providing faculty access to current print and software materials
  • enhancing awareness of research findings on new teaching, learning and engagement methods
  • providing a mechanism and central location for faculty to express concerns and exchange ideas about teaching, learning and engagement
  • promoting and supporting the development of innovative courses and programs
  • approving and funding faculty initiated instructional mini-grant proposals
  • encouraging and supporting research on teaching methods and faculty-developed measures to assess the success of student learning and engagement
  • facilitating the exchanges of in-house expertise, materials, methods and resources through peer collaboration and faculty interaction
  • providing exposure to the best in current thinking on theories of teaching, learning and engagement through guest lectures, workshops, institutes, conferences, faculty exchanges and visits.

TLI Activities and Services

The Teaching and Learning Institute:

  • coordinates faculty on-campus activities and training including workshops, classroom visits, and faculty forums
  • publishes Directions, a CF faculty journal, containing dialogue on current professional issues, mini-grant abstracts, articles on teaching, announcements of recent instructional materials acquisitions, reviews of conferences and workshops, as well as highlights of available resources and services
  • recognizes faculty excellence through the “Stars” and “Constellation” awards
  • is located in the Professional Development Center, Building 3, Room 117.

TLI Travel/Professional Development

Faculty attend Professional Development Days in August, October, January, and February and attend other activities as required.

See Procedures . Faculty may apply for funding of professional conferences and other kinds of professional travel activities. Requests are evaluated by the Teaching and Learning Institute coordinator. For more information, visit https://inside.cf.edu/forms/FacultyTravelFundingApplication.html

  1. Faculty currently under contract with CF may apply. All travel must be documented and approved in advance. All forms must be turned in at least three weeks prior to departure.
  2. Adjunct faculty must have taught at CF for at least four semesters (excluding current term). Amount of travel approved will be based on number of classes taught in the past two years at $100 per class, not to exceed $1,000 per trip or $1,000 per adjunct faculty member per year.
  3. To receive travel reimbursement, faculty must submit, within two weeks of return, a follow-up review that outlines the intended evaluation activity to include:
    1. brief written review of the conference/workshop/program to be published in “Directions,” the Teaching and Learning Institute journal
    2. presentations to colleagues at formal meetings (in-service workshops)
    3. informal sharing with colleagues at division/department meetings.

Media Services

Faculty who would like an event or classroom activity videotaped or photographed can request services from Marketing and Public Relations at www.CF.edu/MPRservices. Additional services available include the provision of digital images via email, DVD or Dropbox. For information, call 352-854-2322, ext.1328.

The Wilton Simpson Citrus Campus Library’s Innovation Center has 3D Printers, Chromebooks, tripods, ring-light kits, a Digital-Micro SD Card Camcorder, greenscreens, and black backdrop kits. We also have the Teacher Geek Maker Cart http://www.teachergeek.com/learn with 17,000 components and tools to make anything!  Please call 352-746-6721, ext. 6119, for more information.


College of Central Florida maintains a public website, www.CF.edu, as a tool to communicate the college mission and vision as well as an informational and marketing tool for college educational programs and services. Though the site is maintained by Marketing and Public Relations, program managers and administrators are responsible for ensuring that information posted on the website is reviewed routinely for the manager of Web Communications and New Media at 352-854-2322, ext. 1373.  To request changes, please submit information through www.CF.edu/MPRservices.

Printing and Postal Services

Alivia Gibson, Manager, 352-854-2322, ext. 1588

Printing Services Location and Hours

Location: Building 32

Hours of Operation: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday

Telephone: 352-854-2322, ext. 1483

Email: printshop@cf.edu

Web: www.cf.edu/community/cf/printing

A convenient drop box is located in front of the Bookstore Building labeled Drop Box for CF Mail and Printing Request. You can email your print request to printshop@cf.edu

General Information

  • All standard print requests will have a 24 to 48 hour turnaround time depending on the content of the job, with some rare exceptions.
  • Print requests and proofing forms are available on the intranet under Forms, CF Printing and Postal Services.
  • Contact Alivia Gibson at 352-854-2322, ext. 1588, for assistance in setting up postcards, fliers, and other items for bulk mailing and other printing needs.

See http://inside.cf.edu/departments/postal/index.htm for full information on CF Printing and Postal Services.

CF Postal Services Location and Hours

Location: Building 35

Hours of Operation:

Post Office: 8 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Telephone: 352-873-5803 or 352-854-2322, ext. 1396

General Fax: 352-291-4450

Email: usps@cf.edu

Web: www.cf.edu/community/cf/postal

Instructional Enhancement

CF Foundation

The CF Foundation exists to help the College of Central Florida carry out its mission of providing quality educational services to residents in Marion, Citrus and Levy counties. The foundation provides financial resources to the college and its students, including student scholarships, endowed faculty and department awards, faculty/staff recognition, facilities and other gifts to the college.

The CF Foundation is a public, nonprofit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization governed by a volunteer board of directors and operated under its own articles of incorporation and by-laws. Major fundraising activities, including but not limited to, an annual fund campaign and planned giving development, provide the resources needed to supplement government funding for the college.

The Foundation owns and operates the College Square student housing facility in Ocala. It also owns the works of art and permanent collection at the Appleton Museum of Art.
Additional information about the CF Foundation can be obtained at http://www.CF.edu/foundation or by calling 352-873-5808.

Endowed Chairs and Grants

Category I Teaching and Learning Environment endowed chair faculty awards are available to faculty members who are seeking monetary resources to enhance their work in the classroom and the learning experience of their students. Awards (of up to $18,000 total) are given for three-year projects. The Foundation annually provides the faculty chairholders  a $2,000 honorarium with an additional $4,000 to spend on an approved project or activity. Some examples of past expenditures include specialized lab or training equipment, computer software, guest speakers or presenters, educational seminars and training, travel, and other equipment such as cameras, iPads and Pod-Cast equipment.

Categories II through V Endowed Chairs and grants provide resources for an individual faculty member, a department and CF to further develop the learning environment. Faculty members may contact the appropriate budget supervisor in their respective departments to inquire about securing grant funds for a particular project. Categories II through V endowed chairs and grants areas are: State-of-the-Art Learning, Cultural Environment, Educational Environment and New Initiative.

Additional information on Endowed Chairs and Grants, including the application process and criteria, is located on the CF intranet under CF Foundation/Forms.

Webber Gallery

Located in the Webber Center on the Ocala Campus, the CF Webber Gallery provides a wide variety of exhibitions that are available to students, faculty and the public. Admission is free.

The Webber Gallery is an excellent learning resource. Exhibits generally support the curriculum and often feature special events such as guest lectures, panel discussions, film screenings, and hands-on workshops and demonstrations, as well as CF’s permanent art collection. Faculty are encouraged to utilize the gallery in assigning special projects, offering extra credit for visiting the gallery and encouraging students to attend special events. CF students can also enroll in studio art courses which qualify them to display their work in the Student Art Exhibition each spring.

Instructors may arrange to bring classes in for special showings during hours the gallery is not normally open to the public. To schedule a special viewing of an exhibit, call the gallery coordinator at 352-854-2322, ext. 1664. See the Webber Gallery website at cf.edu/webber or the “Insider” newsletter for scheduled exhibits and activities.

Faculty members are also encouraged to contact the gallery coordinator if they are interested in proposing ideas for future exhibits and related programming.

Appleton Museum of Art

The Appleton Museum of Art, College of Central Florida, is one of the South’s premier visual art museums. Located at 4333 E. Silver Springs Blvd. (State Road 40), the museum is approximately four miles east of downtown Ocala.

As a vibrant cultural center for Ocala and the region, the Appleton Museum offers outstanding exhibits, lectures, films, workshops, tours, concerts, school-related programs and volunteer opportunities for the community.

Educational programs are developed and scheduled to complement both temporary and long-term exhibitions. The museum’s educational programs include a combination of lectures and presentations by scholars and artists, hands-on adult and children’s classes, and staff-led tours.

The Appleton Museum of Art, Appleton Store and Artspace are open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. CF students, faculty and staff are admitted free during regular museum hours with their CF ID card. Visit AppletonMuseum.org for more information.

Resources to Students

Training for Students Participating in E-Learning

Students new to online classes will be provided assistance to help determine if online learning is suitable for them. To assist with this, an interactive assessment for determining if a student possesses the attributes suitable for online learning has been added to the college’s website at www.cf.edu/elearning.

To help students become familiar with Canvas, an optional course entitled Getting Started in Canvas has been added to each student’s Canvas account. Any faculty member who would like to be added to this Getting Started course may contact DLhelp@cf.edu.

Additionally, the E-Learning Help Desk is available to offer assistance and training to students and faculty as requested (DLhelp@cf.edu or 352-854-2322, ext. 1317).

Accessibility and Counseling Services

The Accessibility and Counseling Center (ACC) provides an extensive array of services and resources tailored for both incoming and current students, regardless of disabilities. Our primary goal is to ensure a smooth integration into the various courses, programs, and activities available at the College of Central Florida.

Accessibility Services

In the realm of accessibility services, the ACC is dedicated to ensuring equitable educational opportunities for students with disabilities. We facilitate access to CF courses, programs, services, and activities while empowering students in self-advocacy. Additionally, the ACC plays a vital role in educating the CF community about disabilities and ensuring compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Our websites serve as valuable resources for students, staff and faculty members. The Accessibility Services website (https://www.cf.edu/student-life/student-services/accessibility-services/ provides detailed information on available accommodations, application procedures, essential forms, and a comprehensive manual tailored to students with disabilities. (https://pr.cf.edu/files/Disability-Manual.pdf).

Counseling Services

For mental health and counseling services, ACC provides on-campus appointments for short-term or crisis situations, as well as off-campus counseling via BayCare for more extensive therapy needs. Additionally, students can access online mental health screenings through CF’s Counseling website for added convenience and support.

Off Campus Student Assistance Program

The CF Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a confidential resource for assisting students who may have personal problems which could affect their school, work or home lives and would prefer the professional counseling services to be provided from an outside of the college source. Services are free to all active CF students. The SAP is managed by Bay Care Life Management. In order to access services, a student can call a toll-free helpline, 1-800-878- 5470, during regular business hours Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. For crisis situations which occur after hours, on weekends or holidays, a student can call the same number and the therapist on duty will be paged and will promptly respond to the call. The SAP program offers services to address a broad spectrum of behavioral health needs, including mental health and other issues to include:

  • Problem Identification/Assessment and Referral. Based on telephone communication and/or face-to-face meeting, the student’s presenting problem(s) is identified, the individual is assessed and an appropriate plan of action is developed.
  • Crisis Intervention. This service offers post-crisis assessment and intervention services.
  • Short-term Problem Resolution. This type of counseling is offered when resolution of the presenting problem can be resolved within the initial counseling sessions.
  • Monitoring and Follow-Up Services. Appropriate monitoring of student’s progress and satisfaction.
  • Consultation with Appropriate Leadership. Providing individual consultation.

The CF Counseling website (https://www.cf.edu/student-life/student-services/counseling-services/) equips students with resources on scheduling appointments, mental health screenings, webinars and insightful tips.

The range of services offered by ACC encompasses:

  • Assistance with admissions and financial aid applications
  • Provision of appropriate classroom and testing accommodations
  • Academic, career and personal coaching
  • Access to sign language interpreters
  • Adapted computer access
  • Access to community resources
  • On-campus counseling sessions facilitated by licensed clinicians
  • Crisis intervention services
  • Outreach and educational initiatives

CF Foundation Patriot Fund

This program was created to help provide the resources and tools students need to stay in college and reach their educational goals when faced with an unforeseen financial emergency. When funds are available, students may be provided financial assistance to get them through their emergency. Furthermore, they are encouraged to seek help and are often directed to additional resources to help them with other life challenges they may face. All recipients are linked to a financial literary resource web portal that is designed to help them build their long-term money management skills.

In order to be eligible for consideration, a student must meet the following conditions:

  • must have completed at least one semester at CF
  • must have an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • must be taking at least 6 credit hours during the current semester

Students may view further details and restrictions and apply for emergency financial assistance at www.cf.edu/patriotfund or, may visit the dean of Student Services in the Bryant Student Union, Building 5, Room 205, or call ext. 1250 for more information.

AFC Membership

The Association of Florida Colleges is the professional association for Florida’s 28 public community and state colleges, their boards, employees, retirees and associates. The mission of the association is to actively promote, democratically represent, support, and serve the individual members and institutions in their endeavors to provide their students and the citizens of Florida with the best possible comprehensive community college educational system.

By joining or renewing your membership, you ensure that your voice along with all employees at the College of Central Florida will be heard. There are opportunities for social gatherings, professional development, conferences and community service projects.

How do I join?

Go to http://www.myafchome.org/.

  1. Hover over the Member Services tab.
  2. Click join AFC.
  3. Choose your application based on payment type- Credit Card/ Money Order/Paper Check, or Payroll Deduction. (Paper applications are also available and can be submitted to the Chapter’s Membership Chair).
  4. Log in for returning user or set up new user.
  5. Identify type of membership based on membership dues.
  6. Complete the application. It is recommended that you choose the payroll deduction option.

Tuition Waivers

The president or the president’s designee is authorized to waive tuition and fees in accordance with the Florida Statutes and Florida Board of Education Rules.

In addition to those fee waivers authorized by Florida Statutes and Florida Board of Education Rules, the president or the president’s designee is authorized to waive fees for full-time employees and immediate family (spouse, dependent children, dependent stepchildren) of employees. Full-time employees and/or immediate family may be given up to six (6) credits of waived fees per term per person. Adjunct faculty teaching credit courses may be given up to three (3) credits of waived fees for each fall or spring semester in which they are teaching a course(s) and they may use those tuition waivers at any time during the academic year in which they teach. Retirees* and their spouses may be given up to three (3) credits of waived fees per term per person. FRS eligible part-time employees ** may be given up to three (3) credits of waived fees per term. Fee waivers may also be given for non-credit courses.

This fee waiver is for tuition fees only. It does not include lab fees, the application fee or other fees. Waivers for other fees may be authorized by the president or the president’s designee.

Policy Manual, Rule 5.08

The Application for Employee and/or Dependent Tuition Fee Waiver form can be located at http://benefits.cf.edu/tuition_waivers.html

See Administrative Procedure for Policy 5.08 for more information.

*A retiree shall be anyone who was employed full-time at the college who was vested in the state retirement system at the time they officially retired from the college.

** An FRS eligible part-time employee is defined as a current part-time employee who has met the FRS eligibility requirements of 2,080 hours worked.