Jan 29, 2025  
2024-2025 Employee Handbook 
2024-2025 Employee Handbook

Workplace Safety

Workplace Safety Program

CF has a responsibility to provide all employees with facilities that are free of recognized safety hazards. To assist in providing a safe, healthy work environment for employees, customers, and visitors, CF has established a workplace safety program. The workplace safety program is one of the college’s top priorities. The college safety technician has the responsibility for implementing, administering, monitoring and evaluating the safety program. Its success depends on the alertness and personal commitment of all employees. The CF Safety Manual covers information on: (1) fire prevention, extinguishment and flammable products; and (2) emergency procedures to follow in the event of a bomb threat, drive-by shooting, hostage crisis, threats and attempts to do bodily injury and/or damage property, and situations involving a weapon. (A copy of CF’s Safety Management Manual may be viewed at Inside.CF.edu/manuals.)

Employees will receive information about workplace safety and health issues through regular internal communication channels and through training that covers potential safety and health hazards.

Employees with concerns or suggestions for improved safety in the workplace are encouraged to bring them to the attention of the safety technician, 352-854-2322, ext. 1729.

Each employee is expected to obey safety rules and to exercise caution in all work activities. Employees must immediately report any unsafe condition(s) to the appropriate supervisor. Reports and concerns about workplace safety issues may be made anonymously if the employee wishes. All reports can be made without fear of reprisal.

In the case of accidents that result in injury, regardless of how insignificant the injury may appear, employees should immediately notify the appropriate supervisor and the Human Resources Office. Such reports are necessary to comply with the law and to initiate insurance and Workers’ Compensation benefits procedures. (See section titled Workers’ Compensation .)

Silent Witness Program

The Silent Witness Program is for students, faculty and staff to report suspicious and/or criminal activity to Public Safety anonymously. Anonymous tips help us investigate suspicious activity and crimes. The information provided will be checked and later used for investigations and statistical data. The online reporting form can be accessed on the Public Safety page on the CF website (https://www.cf.edu/community/cf/safety), under Silent Witness Program. For more information about the program, please call 352-852-2322, ext. 1261; email publicsafety@cf.edu or stop by the Public Safety Office at any of our campuses or locations.

Personal Escort Service

If an employee is on campus in the evening and would like a personal escort to the parking area, etc., they may call Public Safety and an escort will be dispatched. An appointment is not necessary; however, if an employee perceives a possible problem or expects to be working late, an advance call is recommended:

Appleton Museum of Art Safety:
352-291-4455, ext. 1848 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
352-427-4618 after 6 p.m.

Wilton Simpson Citrus Campus Safety:
352-746-6721, ext. 6135, or 352-302-6081

Hampton Center Safety:
352-854-2322, ext. 5043 during regular business hours (morning and evenings)
Calls are forwarded to Ocala Campus Public Safety after business hours

Jack Wilkinson Levy Campus Safety:
352-678-4077, ext. 2143 during regular business hours
352-274-4452 after business hours

Ocala Campus Safety:
352-873-5800 or 352-854-2322, ext. 1472 or 1422 during regular business hours
352-789-5001 after business hours, holidays or weekends

Vintage Farm Campus Safety:
352-843-6006 during regular business hours

The college is required by federal law to have statistics on college crime available for employees and students. These statistics are compiled and reported by the manager of Public Safety and can be located at www.CF.edu/community/cf/safety/statistics. The following publication is available to employees through the Public Safety Office: “Your Personal Safety and Campus Safety.” The CF Safety Manual is available at
Inside.CF.edu/manuals. Please read them carefully and be familiar with actions to take in the event of an emergency or incident.

The Federal Right-To-Know Law

The Federal Hazardous Communication (HAZCOM) standard “Right-to-Know” Law requires that employees be informed of all toxic substances within their work area and trained in safety, adverse effects, and disposal of such materials. In keeping with this requirement, a video on “Right-to-Know” is located at the circulation desk in the library or may be obtained from the college’s safety technician 352-854-2322, ext.1729. Supervisors are responsible for safety training and work area details. New hires are required to sign a HAZCOM standard statement during benefits sign-on certifying they have been provided with the appropriate information.

Bloodborne Pathogens Law and Video

The OSHA “Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens” Law, which went into effect in 1992, requires that institutions adopt exposure control plans. CF’s plan provides that employees, in known high-risk positions, review this plan to assist them in the event they are exposed to AIDS or other bloodborne pathogens.

Bloodborne Pathogens

The college respects the rights of individuals with communicable diseases. The college will not discriminate against any person on the basis of a disability, including individuals with communicable diseases.. CF will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the special needs of employees and students with communicable diseases, unless the accommodation produces an undue burden on the college.

Each case will be responded to on an individual basis, according to its own particular facts, and in all instances, the right of confidentiality will be maintained.

Details of Board Policy 3.02 - AIDS and Bloodborne Pathogens are found in the Board Policy Manual at www.CF.edu.

Workplace Violence Prevention

CF is committed to preventing workplace violence and to maintaining a safe work environment. The college has adopted the following guidelines to deal with intimidation, harassment and other threats and/or acts of violence that may occur during business hours or on its

All employees, including supervisors and temporary employees, should be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. Employees are expected to refrain from fighting, “horseplay,” or other conduct that may be dangerous to others. CF employees are encouraged to bring their disputes or differences with other employees to the attention of their supervisor or the Public Safety Office before the situation escalates.

Conduct that threatens, intimidates or coerces another employee, customer or member of the public at any time, including off-duty periods, will not be tolerated. This prohibition includes all acts of harassment, including harassment that is based on an individual’s sex, race, age, or any characteristic protected by federal, state or local law. All threats and/or acts of violence, both direct and indirect, should be reported as soon as possible to the employee’s immediate supervisor or any other member of management, including the college Equity Officer if the acts are related to harassment or discrimination based on protected characteristics. When reporting a threat of violence, an employee should be as specific and detailed as possible.

All suspicious individuals or activities should also be reported as soon as possible to a supervisor. Employees should never place themselves in peril. If they see or hear a commotion or disturbance near their workstation, notify Public Safety immediately - do not intercede.

The identity of the individual making a report will be protected as much as is practical. In order to maintain workplace safety and the integrity of its investigation, CF may suspend employees, either with or without pay, pending investigation.

Anyone determined to be responsible for threats and/or acts of violence or other conduct that is in violation of these guidelines will be subject to prompt disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Weapons on Campus

Dangerous weapons of any kind are prohibited on campus. Employees aware of this violation by another employee or by students should notify a supervisor or a public safety officer. Under special circumstances, Board Policy 3.20 provides exceptions to this prohibition for law enforcement officers, authorized classroom demonstrations of unloaded weapons, or personal firearms securely encased/not readily accessible for immediate use that are stored in vehicles owned by people age 18 or older.

Emergency Response

During normal working hours, the CF Public Safety Office is the key office to contact when there is an emergency. Employees are asked to act promptly in the event of an emergency. In case of any emergency, contact Public Safety at the phone numbers listed below for each campus location:

  • Appleton Museum of Art Safety: 352-291-4455, ext. 1848 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
    352-427-4618 after 6 p.m.
  • Wilton Simpson Citrus Campus Safety:
    352-746-6721, ext. 6135, or 352-302-6081
  • Hampton Center Safety:
    352-854-2322, ext. 5043 during regular business hours (morning and evenings)
    Calls are forwarded to Ocala Campus Public Safety after business hours
  • Jack Wilkinson Levy Campus Safety:
    352-678-4077, ext. 2143 during regular business hours
    352-274-4452 after business hours
  • Ocala Campus Safety:
    352-873-5800 or 352-854-2322, ext. 1472 or 1422 during regular business hours
    352-789-5001 after business hours, holidays or weekends
  • Vintage Farm Campus Safety:
    352-843-6006 during regular business hours

Accident, fire, hurricane, tornado, bomb threat, civil defense alerts and riots are examples of emergencies. Emergencies may also be classified as robbery, breaking and entering, assault, property damage, etc. Employees are advised to dial 911 if the emergency is life-threatening.

Accidents/Physical Injuries

Employees involved in accidents on campus should report these to Public Safety and the Human Resources Office immediately. Accidents involving students on campus must be reported immediately to the manager of Public Safety, the director of Purchasing or a designee. Investigation reports on accidents involving students must be filed with the college’s Public Safety Office or with the Vice President of Student Affairs Office.  Accident investigation reports for employees (including student assistants) injured while on duty must be filed with the college’s Public Safety Office or the Human Resources Office. Workers’ Compensation Forms for employees are available at inside.CF.edu, under Employee Benefits; forms for students or college guests are available through the Business Office.

The following actions should be taken:

  1. If the accident is life threatening, call 911 for help.
  2. If required, apply first aid (immediate, temporary care until a physician or paramedic arrives).
  3. First aid equipment is located in various buildings on campus; employees should be aware of these locations.
  4. Make victim comfortable and wait for assistance.
  5. Notify the Public Safety Office and/or ambulance service, if the latter is needed. In addition, notify the Office of Student Affairs if the victim is a student or the Human Resources Office, via an accident/incident form, if the victim is an employee. (The workers’ compensation law provides that employers are subject to a civil penalty of $100 for each failure or refusal to file a report of injury of employees. All injuries to employees must be reported to the Human Resources Office.) If the injured party (employee) is sent or taken to a doctor, a first notice of injury form must be completed and sent to the Human Resources Office. All accident  forms are available at Inside.CF.edu/, under Employee Benefits/Workers Compensation.
  6. If an ambulance is not immediately called, the Public Safety Office or other appropriate college official will determine if further action is necessary.


The following procedures will be implemented upon notification/sighting of a fire at the college.

  • Attempts should be made to eliminate the danger if at all possible.
  • All personnel should be aware of the locations of regular and emergency exits, fire extinguishers and hoses and alarms; they should also be familiar with the operation of this equipment.
  • Fire alarms are located on every floor of every building, with the exception of the maintenance building and portable facilities.
  • Fire extinguishers are located in all hallways, employee lounges, laboratories and mechanical rooms.
  • Fire hoses are located in the Learning Resources Center, the pump house, and the Maintenance Building.

IMPORTANT: In all instances, the safety of students and personnel is of utmost importance. Efforts should be made to immediately evacuate the area on fire to prevent injury and to avoid obstructing efforts to extinguish it. Evacuation should be carried out in an orderly manner with persons remaining a safe distance from the building until the danger is over. 

The following are evacuation procedures in the event of fire.

  • A blast of the fire alarm is the signal to vacate a building.
  • Instructors shall be the last persons to leave classrooms.
  • All doors and windows shall be closed before leaving room.
  • The Public Safety Office should be notified immediately upon determination of fire location and type.
  • All traffic and persons shall clear the roadway for use of emergency vehicles.
  • Maintenance personnel will utilize any firefighting equipment and procedures necessary to contain the fire until supervisory personnel arrive.

IMPORTANT: If the fire is obviously out of control, immediately use the fire alarm in the building and call the local fire department. DO NOT WAIT FOR PERMISSION FROM SUPERVISORS. Notify the Public Safety  Office of emergency action taken so college administration can be advised of the situation.

Bomb Threat

The following procedures will be implemented upon notification of a bomb threat.

  1. The Public Safety Office should be notified immediately in order to alert the college administration of this threat. Administration will notify law enforcement authorities.
  2. If there is no indication of where the alleged bomb is supposedly placed or the time of impending explosion, the person receiving the threat should notify the switchboard operator, who will follow the same  procedure as above. College administration and law officers will then instruct individuals on campus as to the method of evacuation and search.
  3. Classrooms are to be evacuated during bomb searches; however, in no instance may a class be dismissed without instructions from the president or a designee who has been advised on proper action by law enforcement officers. As in the case of fire, people should leave the building in an orderly fashion and remain at a safe distance from the facility until the threat is over.

IMPORTANT: A bomb threat should never be considered a hoax. Recipients of calls should exercise calm when talking with the caller and attempt to get more information. All attempts should be made to hold the caller on line while efforts are made to trace the call or identify the voice.

Power Outage

The following procedures will be implemented during a power outage.

  • Every person should remain calm and wait for a reasonable period of time (35-40 minutes) for a status update on the situation from a college official.
  • Equipment and air conditioning switches should be turned off in order to avoid problems when power is returned.
  • Should the outage occur at night, extreme caution should be exercised in using stairs.
  • Someone should be assigned to locate a working telephone and contact the appropriate utility company. College employees responsible for utility maintenance should be contacted immediately.

IMPORTANT: Should the outage occur during a period of extreme heat or cold, college officials will exercise their best judgment as to whether or not classes should be dismissed and offices closed. In all instances, the president or a designee will have the final decision.

Storm Days

Employees are expected to report for work during inclement weather conditions, unless the college has declared an emergency closing. This decision will be made exclusively by the president or a designee in his absence. Employee emergency information numbers have been established to provide CF employees with scheduling-related information in the event of a storm: 352-291-4499 or 1-800-831-9244.


A tornado watch indicates that conditions are favorable for the formation of tornadoes within a designated area. A tornado warning means that a tornado or tornadoes have been sighted in a specific area. If the college area is in the path of a tornado, the following steps will be taken.

  • When a watch occurs, all personnel are put on alert for the next advisory announcement. They should remain calm but plan ahead for further action.
  • Keep telephone use to a minimum.
  • Inform other personnel in the immediate area of your workstation or classroom.
  • Remain calm, and do not exaggerate the situation.
  • Stay away from glass areas until the alert has passed.


A hurricane watch indicates that a hurricane has formed. Normally this announcement is made to allow at least 24 hours before the hurricane strikes. During this time, all preparations to secure property and buildings and gather emergency supplies should be in motion. Weather permitting, employees and students should be allowed to return home or to shelter with their families. A hurricane warning is announced within 12 hours before the hurricane strikes. The procedures for hurricane preparation are coordinated through the vice president of Administration and Finance.

Emergency Closing of the College

In the event of a weather-related or other significant emergency, the president is authorized to temporarily close the college.