Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2025 College Catalog 
2024-2025 College Catalog

Refund Policy

For credit and vocational workforce education classes, petitions for withdrawal with a refund from the college are available in the office of Enrollment Services, Enrollment Management, the Office of the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, and the Citrus Campus Enrollment Management Office. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the withdrawal petition and the official date of withdrawal will be determined by the date the completed form is returned to one of these offices. Regardless of when the refund is applied for, no refund will be processed before 30 days have elapsed from the date of the refund form, or two weeks after the end of the add/drop date, whichever is the greater time period.

Credit, vocational workforce and audit students who officially withdraw and complete a proper refund petition through one of the offices listed above will be considered for refunds according to thefollowing schedule:

100 percent: When official drop notification is received and approved prior to the end of the published drop/add period.

Up to 100 percent: In keeping with Florida Administrative Rule 6A-14.0541, CF will consider a petition for refund of fees for a course after the official drop period when the student withdraws due to circumstances determined by the college to be exceptional and beyond the control of the student. These may include illness of the student of such severity or duration, as confirmed in writing by a physician, to preclude completion of the course(s); death of the student or the student’s parent, spouse, child or sibling; involuntary call to active military duty; a situation in which the college is in error; a change of a course or section(s) initiated by the college because of cancellation, time or location; other circumstances that may be approved upon timely filing with complete documentation with the division of Student Affairs.

There are three semesters in the academic year: fall, spring and summer. The college will consider a student’s petition through the end of the semester following the semester in which the student withdrew because of extraordinary circumstances. After the end of the semester following withdrawal, no petition will be accepted without the approval of the vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs.

The refund process does not begin each session until after the add/drop period has passed and attendance has been verified.

CF has partnered with BankMobile Disbursements (formerly Higher One), to process refund disbursements to our students. Financial aid and tuition refunds are disbursed to CF students according to your refund preference selection. Once the awards are posted on your account, barring any unforeseen circumstances, your refund will be sent to BankMobile Disbursements.

Students choose one of two ways to receive refunds and disbursements:

  1. ELECTRONIC DEPOSIT TO ANOTHER ACCOUNT - Money is transferred to another account the same business day BankMobile receives funds from CF. Typically, it takes one to two business days for the receiving bank to credit the money to your account.
  2. ELECTRONIC DEPOSIT TO BANKMOBILE VIBE ACCOUNT - If you open a BankMobile Vibe account (upon identity verification), money is deposited the same business day BankMobile receives funds from CF.

To set up your BankMobile account and refund/disbursement selection:

  • Log in to your student portal.
  • Click the Finances tab.
  • Scroll down to Refunds and click on the BankMobile logo.

If a refund is credited to your CF account, BankMobile will have it within three business days. The BankMobile student support phone number is 1-877-327-9515.

For noncredit classroom continuing education classes, refunds for live classroom courses will be given when a student requests to drop a course at least three business days before the course begins.

For noncredit online continuing education classes, refunds will be granted when a student requests to drop the course prior to accessing the online course or receiving and using associated course materials. Students may request a refund for all or a portion of the course after being granted access to the classes only if there are technical difficulties with the delivery of a course that are not resolved in a reasonable period of time or a refund extension period is published either in the noncredit schedule or online.

Campus based programs will be refunded using a pro-rated formula to comply with federal regulations defined in Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act.