Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 College Catalog 
2024-2025 College Catalog

Admissions and Registration

Admissions Philosophy

Access to higher education is a concept held in high esteem at the College of Central Florida. While emphasizing this concept, college officials believe that students should view this access as an opportunity carrying obligations which ensure realization of their goals.

General Institutional Admissions Requirements

As provided for in s. 1004.65, F.S., the College of Central Florida is an open-access institution. Admission for college credit studies is open to all high school graduates. It is essential that each applicant satisfactorily complete each phase of the admission process. Most degree programs at CF require an earned high school diploma, a signed affidavit attesting that the student has completed a home education program pursuant to the requirements of s. 1002.41, F.S. or GED. If CF determines that a student’s high school has not met the criteria to award a standard high school diploma or a GED, then the student may be required to obtain a state-issued GED or a high school diploma from an acceptable school prior to being admitted into any program requiring a standard high school diploma. Some postsecondary certificate programs do not require a high school diploma.

A candidate for admission is assured that his/her application will be reviewed and evaluated in a fair and impartial manner. Students are still eligible to be admitted for programs that do not require high school completion.

No applicant will be refused admission on the basis of race, age, ethnic background, religious preference, disability or sex. In order to maintain the college ideals of scholarship and demeanor, the right is reserved to deny admission to applicants for any reason which is deemed to be in the best interest of the college.

Subsequent registration is permitted for currently enrolled and former students when all college obligations have been satisfied.

When limited facilities or resources restrict the size of enrollment in certain programs, these programs are designated as “limited access.” Criteria for admission to limited access programs can be found in the college catalog. Guidelines for eligibility into various programs are found within program descriptions in the catalog. Additional admission information may be obtained from the Office of Admissions and Student Recruitment.

Criminal history: The college attempts to protect the safety of the campus community by screening applicants for admission or readmission who have a violent criminal record as well as by responding to information regarding violent illegal activity or new information concerning violent criminal charges. This does not automatically preclude an applicant from gaining admission or readmission to the institution. In order to maintain a safe environment conducive to student learning, the right is reserved to deny admission to applicants for any reason deemed to be in the best interest of the college. The college also reserves the right to establish special conditions on admission, if such conditions are deemed necessary to assure a safe learning environment. 

Workforce Admissions Procedure

Area Vocational Education School (Occupational Certificate Programs)

A new student seeking an occupational certificate must:

  1. Complete a college application for admission.
  2. Complete the Test of Adult Basic Education or the Postsecondary Education Readiness Test or meet the exemption requirement.
  3. Pay the appropriate application fee.

After completion of the steps above, if there is space available in the program, the new applicant must register through an advisor at the appropriate campus. Students in the Welding Technology program should see an advisor at the Levy Campus. Students may pay fees by mail or at the Cashiers Office in the Bryant Student Union at the Ocala Campus, Citrus Campus or Levy Campus administrative offices.

Testing Information

The CF testing centers at the Ocala, Citrus, and Levy locations offer a variety of testing services required for admission and placement into academic and vocational programs, as well as for special fields of training. CF testing centers offer many other types of tests to students, to local industries, and to the public. Such tests include interest inventories, values inventories, personality inventories, employment development inventories, career assessment, computer skills tests, occupational skills tests, aptitude tests, achievement tests, college major interest tests, college adjustment scales, academic skills tests, customer service skills tests, professional employment tests, temperament analysis tests, personnel tests, industry certification tests and many others.

Details on all testing services such as testing dates, cost, test duration, retake policies and other testing requirements are available on the Testing Center web-site:

Appropriate disability-related accommodations are available for Testing Center services. For more information, visit the Accessibility Services office website at

Placement cut scores for degree-seeking, first-time-in-college students, are approved by the State Board of Education (F.A.C. Rule 6A- 10.0315, Common Placement Testing and Instruction, as amended).

Placement Test Scores




Digital SAT
(Effective June 2023)

(After Mar 2016)

(Prior to Mar 2026)


Accuplacer Next Gen

Advanced Algebra Functions


(PSAT10 College Board)


Classic Learning Test


13 and below

370 and below

18 and below

320 and below


less than 200

REA0017 14-18 371-489 19-23 330-429 84-105 200-225        
19 or higher 490 or higher 24 or higher 430 or higher 106-150 226-244   24 22  




Digital SAT
(Effective June 2023)

(After Mar 2016)

(Prior to Mar 2026)


Accuplacer Next Gen

Advanced Algebra Functions


(PSAT10 College Board)


Classic Learning Test


12 and below

370 and below

18 and below

329 and below


less than 200

ENC0025 13-16 371-489 19-24 330-449 90-102 200-225        
17 or higher 490 or higher 25 or higher 450 or higher 103-150 226-244   25 18  




Digital SAT
(Effective June 2023)

(After Mar 2016)

(Prior to Mar 2026)


Accuplacer Next Gen

Advanced Algebra Functions


(PSAT10 College Board)


Classic Learning Test


18 and below

479 and below

23.5 and below

470 and below


Up to 241

Up to 241      


19-24 480-529 24-26.5 480-520
114-122 242-257 242-249 24 22  
530 or higher


(Qualitative Reasoning)


​(Qualitative Reasoning)
MAC1105 21 or higher 530 or higher 26.5 or higher 530 or higher 123 or higher 261-300 250-269      
    Must take AAF/CLM 270-279      
    Must take AAF/CLM 280-300      
Sum of the Verbal Reasoning and Grammar/Writing Sections 38-80

The above information was compiled by the CF Testing Center, formulated from test and score requirements in effect at the date of publication, and is subject to change. Refer to the Florida Department of Education common placement testing at If a student chooses to take the AAF, these scores will be used as the first priority in determining math placement.

PERT Placement Test Scores for Non-Native English Speakers and Enrollment in EAP and Degree Program Courses:

CPT Individual scores in the skill areas below: EAP Level 1 Courses EAP Level 2 Courses Degree Program Courses
PERT Reading Comprehension and Sentence Skills 83 or below, student is placed in EAP level 1 courses Score of 84-105, student is placed EAP level 2 courses Score of 106
PERT Writing 89 or below, student is placed in EAP level 1 courses Score of 90-102, student is placed EAP level 2 courses Score of 103

Accuplacer ESL Placement Test Scores for non-Native English Speakers and Enrollment in EAP and College Level Courses:

Accuplacer ESL scores in the skill areas below: EAP Level 1 Courses EAP Level 2 Courses College Level Courses**
Reading 20-95 96-106 107-120
Sentence Meaning 20-95 96-106 107-120
Oral Interpretation (Listening) 0-69 70 or higher N/A
Language Use N/A 23-89 90-104
Writeplacer N/A    

** Requires PERT scores above 106 above on reading and above 103 on writing, otherwise EAP level 2 is recommended.

English for Academic Purposes, EAP

English for Academic Purposes credit courses at College of Central Florida are listed in the catalog under the college prep heading beginning with the code EAP. These credit courses are designed to prepare a non-native English speaker for success in college-level courses, including ENC 1101 . EAP courses are an integral part of the degree program for non-native English speakers. The EAP program improves English skills including grammar, reading, writing, listening and speaking.

An interactive language laboratory, online tutorials and free tutoring assistance are just a few of the tools that are available to students in the EAP program.

Alternative Placement Testing for Non-Native English Speakers

CF does not require English proficiency test scores for admission of international students. CF students take a placement test to assess their English proficiency. Students whose test results show adequate skills will be eligible for college-level, degree coursework. Others will be required to take English as Second Language for Academic Purposes (EAP) classes until language requirements have been met.

If a student has official Test of English as a Foreign Language,TOEFL, International English Language Testing System, IELTS, or Society for Testing English Proficiency, STEP, scores, no older than 12 months, the following chart shows the minimum accepted scores for placement directly into ENC 1101 . These test scores will only be accepted prior to the first day of class.

Students submitting alternative test scores that meet the minimum requirement as indicated in the graph below must still take the mathematics section of the PERT placement test.

Degree credit courses 61 and above 173 and above 500 and above 5.5 and above Grade 2A and above

Admission Procedures

After the student’s application is processed, the Office of Admissions and Student Recruitment sends the student an email with specific instructions, including the student’s CF ID. The student must submit all required documents and official transcripts to be admitted. Once admitted, the student will receive an additional email with information about the orientation and registration process.

Any changes in address, name, marital status, residency or citizenship should be reported promptly to the Enrollment Services Center or changed by logging into the CF student portal.


Registration information and procedures for college credit degree and certificate-seeking students are published online in the Web Registration Guide, posted on college bulletin boards and at Priority registration dates (based on the number of earned credit hours) are posted on the MyCF Web Portal as well as in the college calendar in this catalog. In the case of courses beginning outside the regular academic semesters, posters, fliers and media announcements may be used to notify potential students. Each student, by registering, pledges acceptance of the rules and regulations of the college.

In accordance with Florida law and college policy, veteran or dependent students who are receiving GI Bill® benefits are provided with the opportunity to register at the highest priority date each semester. At the College of Central Florida, this allows veteran or dependent students who are receiving GI Bill® benefits the opportunity to register with the first window of students, which is normally reserved for students who have earned 40 or more credits. This will enable those who are utilizing GI Bill® educational benefits to have greater access to available courses, thereby decreasing the number of excess hours taken by these students and reducing the time to graduation. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Orientation. Online orientation is required for all degree seeking and certificate students. Once orientation is completed, students will meet with their assigned advisor for registration.

Registering. Students may register for a maximum of 18 credit hours in fall and spring semesters, and 18 credit hours in summer (nine hours in Summer A and nine in Summer B). Students may request permission to exceed the maximum 18 credit hour registration limit through the petitions. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above is required to petition.

Nondegree-seeking and transient students must register in person and only during general registration. (See the College Calendar  for dates.)

Once a student is registered, he/she may request a student identification card and a parking decal (at no cost) at the campus Public Safety Office.

Payment. Fees may be paid online by credit card via the MyCF Web Portal or by check via regular mail (as long as the payment is received prior to the fee due date).

Students receiving financial aid should go to the Financial Aid Office or veteran’s assistance should go to the Veterans Office first for processing of necessary paperwork. Students will be held in their registered classes provided fees are paid by the due date or they have been awarded financial aid.

Third party authorization - If all or part of a student’s registration fees are being paid by an external agency (employer, Florida Prepaid Program, Vocational Rehabilitation, CareerSource, a government agency, etc.), the student must present a current form of authorization (letter, card, voucher, etc.) at the Cashiers Office by the fee payment deadline. This authorization must be for the current semester and indicate a specific dollar amount for fees and/or books. The student is responsible for any remaining balance. If the current authorization is not presented, the student’s account will not be credited properly and the student may be removed from all courses and/or responsible to pay the fees.

Florida Prepaid Tuition Plan - Students who participate in the Florida Prepaid Tuition Plan must submit a valid Florida Prepaid Identification card and CF Florida Prepaid Form to the Cashiers Office each semester they register for classes as well as whenever they make a schedule change during the add/drop period of each semester. The card must apply to the appropriate academic year and be signed by the student. Students participating in this tuition plan are responsible for any amounts not covered by their plan, and any remaining balance must be paid by the fee due date on the student’s schedule. Keep a copy of the cashier’s receipt for verification should any questions arise.

Excess Hours Advisory Statement

s. 1009.286, F. S., establishes an “excess hour” surcharge for a student seeking a baccalaureate degree at a state university. It is  critical that students, including those entering Florida colleges, areaware of the potential for additional course fees. Excess hours are defined as hours that go beyond 115 percent of the hours required for a baccalaureate degree program. For example, if the length of the program is 120 credit hours, the student may be subject to an excess hour surcharge for any credits attempted beyond 138 credit hours (115 x 120 percent).

All students whose educational plan may include a bachelor’s degree should make every effort to enroll in and successfully complete those courses that are required for their intended major on their first attempt. Florida college students intending to transfer to a state university should identify a major or “transfer program” early and be advised of admission requirements for that program, including the approved common prerequisites. Course withdrawals and/or repeats, as well as enrollment in courses nonessential to the intended major, may contribute to a potential excess hours surcharge.

Add/Drop and Withdrawal Periods

Courses may be added or dropped only during periods indicated in the college calendar (p. 3). A student may withdraw from a class after the initial drop period, with no refund of fees. These withdrawals are permitted up to the last date to withdraw with a W. Withdrawals of this nature will result in a letter grade of W being placed on the student’s permanent record and will count as one attempt of this course. Students enrolled in courses that are not part of the college calendar, as published in the online catalog, should determine drop/withdrawal deadlines through the college’s Office of Enrollment Services, located in the Enrollment Services Center.

Scheduling of Classes

In the interest of economy, the college reserves the right to cancel classes that fail to meet minimum enrollment requirements. The following day codes are used: M -Monday, T -Tuesday, W - Wednesday, H -Thursday, F -Friday, S -Saturday, U -Sunday.

Full Semester Courses (17 weeks: 16 Instructional and 1 Exam week)

College credit courses are scheduled to provide the greatest number of classes available for the greatest number of students while attempting to account for the employment and personal responsibilities of our students. Most credit  classes will meet two days a week (Monday/Wednesday, Tuesday/Thursday or Wednesday/Friday) for 75-minutes/meeting for a three-credit course. If a course is scheduled to meet more or less than two days per week, the classes will start at the starting times listed below and contain the required amount of instruction (i.e., 150 minutes/week for 16-week courses, more for minimesters for a three-credit course). Exceptions may be approved based on facility availability, such as may be necessary to ensure efficient use of limited science lab space.

For efficiency, most classes will be scheduled in the following manner:

Daytime: Two Meetings per Week

8 - 9:15 a.m.
9:30 - 10:45 a.m.
11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
12:30 - 1:45 p.m.*
2 - 3:15 p.m.
3:30 - 4:45 p.m.

*Note: Student Activity Hour on Monday and Wednesday. No classes scheduled during this period.

Daytime: One Meeting per Week

Primarily scheduled on Mondays or Fridays with the exception of labs. Classes must begin at the start times above, unless an exception is approved. Lecture sessions must meet for the equivalent of two 75-minute periods with the addition of a break.


Daytime and evening hybrid classes must begin at the start times above and should meet for at least 50 minutes and correspond to the hybrid meeting requirements.


8 - 10:40 a.m.
10:50 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
1:40 - 4:20 p.m.

Note: Friday night or Saturday classes are restricted to certain buildings, so will not require as much time between classes.

Minimesters (Eight-week courses)

These courses are scheduled for the first or final eight weeks of the fall and spring semesters, usually meeting four days a week for 75 minutes for a three-credit course.

Summer Courses

The summer semester is divided into three terms. Summer A is the first six weeks, Summer B is the final six weeks and Summer C is the entire 12-week period. Most credit classes in Summer A or B will meet four days a week (Monday through Thursday) for 110 minutes per meeting, which includes a 10-minute break. For efficiency, most classes will be scheduled in the following manner:
8 - 9:50 a.m.
10 - 11:50 a.m.
Noon - 12:30 p.m. - Break - No classes scheduled
12:30 - 2:20 p.m.
2:30 - 4:20 p.m.


May start any time from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on the quarter hour and must meet for the equivalent of two 75-minute periods with the addition of a break.

Alternate Scheduling

Week-long concentrated courses, weekend courses and other alternate schedule courses are occasionally offered. Instructional hours vary and will be advertised.